Trademark registration: introduction of relevant knowledge points before trademark transfer - Chanyu trademark
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Introduction to relevant knowledge points before trademark transfer in trademark registration

Publishing website: Issued on: February 10, 2023 15:21:49

What should we care about before transferring the trademark of Shenzhen water-based paint

Compared with ordinary paints, water-based paints have many advantages, among which the prominent advantage is that they are harmless to human body, do not pollute the environment, and have the characteristics of water resistance, abrasion resistance, aging resistance, etc. Because water-based paint is gradually used more and more in decoration, which category should be reasonably selected for the category of water-based paint trademark?

In fact, it is more reasonable to use the correct way when selecting the trademark category, that is, the most common way is to get the answer that the enterprise wants through the query in the trademark classification encyclopedia, and the answer is based on the actual business scope of the enterprise and the impact of the goods and services it operates. Therefore, the categories that can be selected are shown in "0205 Paint, Paint and Accessories (excluding insulating paint)".

Shenzhen trademark transfer has always been selected more often in the market, because this way can enable enterprises to obtain the right to use the trademark in a short time and put it into use. Although it takes nearly half a year to approve the trademark transfer application after it is submitted, if the transfer of the trademark has been determined, the enterprise can first obtain the right to use the trademark in the form of authorization so as to use it first.

However, before the transfer of trademarks, enterprises still have a lot to pay attention to. Like the status of a trademark, a transferred trademark is usually a trademark that has been approved by the Trademark Office and has obtained a trademark registration certificate. Therefore, the next transfer can be carried out only after the true status of the trademark is clarified. If the trademark has not been registered or has not been approved or has not been renewed when its validity expires, it is unsafe.

In addition, we should also look at the transferor of the trademark transfer to understand whether the transferor is the owner of the trademark, or sometimes the trademark owner will entrust the relevant personnel of the trademark agency to dispose of the trademark. It is extremely important to determine whether the transfer of the trademark has actually been permitted by the trademark owner, assuming that neither of the above two cases is true.

In another case, as mentioned above, the period of validity of a trademark is usually ten years. Within ten years, the use of the trademark is protected by law, but no extension is made within six months after ten years. The trademark has nothing to do with the original registrant later, so the transferee must not agree to the proposed transfer at this time, Or registration will be easier.

Therefore, for the relevant knowledge points before the trademark transfer, the transferee should also know the precautions described above while understanding the trademark, which has great protection for the acquisition and use of the trademark.

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