Is there any risk in the transfer of Dalian Auto's trademark - Chanyu trademark
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Is there any risk in trademark knowledge transfer of Dalian Automobile

Publishing website: Release date: February 10, 2023 14:37:13

Is there any risk in the transfer of Dalian Auto's trademark?

The frequency of cars as a means of transportation in reality is really high. It can be said that cars account for most of the vehicles on the road, and the speed of cars is just enough to drive on the road. As a result, the number of cars on the road gradually increases and even has a trend of occupation. Therefore, which category is appropriate for the category of automobile trademark?

As far as the categories of trademarks are concerned, they all come from one direction, that is, the category of automobile trademarks can get the final result through the query in the trademark classification encyclopedia, that is, "1202 - automobiles, trams, motorcycles and their parts (excluding tires); 1208 - tires and tire repair tools", which belong to category 12, can select the appropriate subcategory according to the attributes of automobiles.

As for the risks in the transfer of Dalian trademark mentioned above, there are indeed risks. However, the risk of trademark transfer is usually covered because the risk of trademark registration is too high. In fact, although the risk of transfer is relatively lower than that of registration, it does not mean that there is no transfer. Only when the enterprise is cautious in the process of transfer can it have an actual measure of the transfer.

First of all, we should pay attention to the status of the trademark transferred before that, that is, whether the trademark is being authorized or mortgaged, or more absurdly, whether the trademark has not been registered, just in the rejection review and objection stage. These are all things that enterprises should consider and actually know, which is also one of the ways to resist transfer risks.

There is also the validity period of the trademark. In fact, it has the same effect as the above. That is, the registration and approval time of Dalian Auto trademark should be clear, which is helpful to calculate when the trademark will be renewed. Assuming that the trademark is about to be renewed, the transferee should urge the transferor, that is, the trademark registrant, to renew the trademark before it can be transferred.

There is also the question whether the trademark transferor is the trademark registrant. Even if there is no correspondence between the former and the latter, the transferor must go to the relevant agency entrusted by the registrant to complete the relevant trademark transfer procedures. As well as the fact that the transferor of the similar trademark of the transferred trademark needs to transfer them at the same time, these are the key points to reduce the risk in the process of transfer.

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