What are the materials prepared for the transfer of British trademarks- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the materials prepared for the transfer of British trademarks?

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-02 15:47:29

What materials need to be prepared for UK trademark transfer?

1、 Materials prepared for UK trademark transfer:

The application for trademark assignment shall use the British Trademark Assignment Application uniformly formulated by the British Intellectual Property Office. An electronic application form can be used for UK trademark transfer applications.

If the transfer of British trademark is entrusted to a trademark agent, the written documents shall be provided by the corresponding trademark agent, but the applicant for the transfer of British trademark must cooperate in submitting the following documents:

1. The application for transfer of British trademark needs to be sealed by both parties (signed by natural persons);

2. The power of attorney for UK trademark agency shall be sealed by both parties (signed by natural persons);

3. Both parties shall submit copies of the copies of the valid Business License after annual inspection and affix their respective seals. If the trademark is transferred in the name of a natural person, they shall submit copies of their ID cards (signed by a natural person) and copies of the qualification certificates of self-employed businesses and other business entities with the natural person as the responsible person, and affix their seals (if there is an official seal) or signatures (if there is no official seal);

4. UK Trademark Assignment Agreement (both parties need to seal or sign);

5. Certificate of consent to transfer of British trademark or notarial certificate of British trademark transfer statement (if necessary);

6. The same or similar British trademarks registered on the same or similar goods by the British trademark transferor must be handled together;

7. Both parties to the assignment of British trademarks shall pay the fees for the application for the assignment of British trademarks in accordance with relevant requirements.

2、 Time required for UK trademark transfer:

1. The UK Intellectual Property Office shall send the UK Trademark Assignment Acceptance Notice within 1-2 months after receiving the application that meets the UK trademark assignment form requirements;

2. Under normal circumstances, the UK Trademark Transfer Certificate can be received within 4-8 months from the date of acceptance of the UK trademark transfer application, and used together with the original UK Trademark Registration Certificate;

3. The date marked on the UK Trademark Assignment Certificate is the effective date of the UK trademark assignment. The above time is for your reference only. The exact time required for the British trademark is subject to the official actual process progress.

3、 Process of UK trademark transfer

1. The application for UK trademark transfer requires the trademark owner to collect relevant information about the trademark to be transferred, such as whether there is trademark infringement or not;

2. When the British trademark is transferred, both the obligee and the transferee need to prepare their own enterprise information, and negotiate the specific content of the British trademark to be transferred, such as the transfer of part or all of the British trademark;

3. The transferor and transferee of the British trademark transfer shall sign the contract in duplicate. If the transferee is Chinese, then the British trademark transfer contract shall be in Chinese and English, and signed and sealed on the British trademark transfer contract trademark;

4. The relevant materials and documents prepared by both parties of the British trademark transfer and the British trademark transfer contract were submitted to the Cause and Effect Intellectual Property Office, and both parties waited for the acceptance of the British Intellectual Property Office before entering into the review period, which would take about six to eight months;

5. After passing the review of the British Intellectual Property Office, both parties to the transfer of the British trademark will issue the certification documents for the successful transfer of the trademark to both parties, and issue the British trademark registration certificate and registration to the transferee.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
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