What materials are generally required for trademark transfer notarization? What are the procedures for handling the notarial certificate of trademark transfer- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What materials are generally required for trademark transfer notarization? What are the procedures for handling the notarial certificate of trademark transfer?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 9, 2023 14:51:53

Materials generally required for trademark transfer notarization:

1. If the transferor or transferee is a citizen, the original and one copy of the Resident Identity Card shall be submitted;

2. If the transferor and transferee are enterprise legal persons, they shall submit the original or duplicate of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person, the original or duplicate of the Resident Identity Card of the legal representative and the letter of introduction of the company;

3. If the transferor or transferee is another organization, it shall submit the relevant subject qualification certificate, the original identity certificate of the person in charge and the company introduction letter;

4. If the transferor or transferee is a joint-stock enterprise, the original of the Articles of Association and the resolution of the shareholders' meeting agreeing to transfer or assign the right to use the trademark shall be submitted;

5. The original and one copy of the registered trademark certificate, trademark ownership certificate and trademark design;

6. In case of entrustment, the valid Power of Attorney and the trustee's ID card shall be provided.

Procedures for notarization of trademark transfer:

1. Fill in the Application for Transfer of Registered Trademark.

The application shall be in the form prescribed by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, indicating the number and name of the transferred trademark, the name and address of the transferor, the name and address of the transferee, and the business license number, and shall be sealed by both parties.

2. Relevant documents are attached.

When submitting the application for transfer, the original registration certificate, the copy of the contract for the transfer of the applied trademark and other documents shall be submitted at the same time; The business licenses of the transferor and the transferee, and copies of their ID cards (with official seals affixed);

3. Pay transfer application fee and transfer registration fee.

To sum up, although the trademark transfer contract is the main basis for determining the rights and obligations of both parties to the contract, and is the most important document for trademark transfer, China's laws do not directly stipulate that the trademark transfer agreement must be notarized!

Trademark assignment
Trademark of snakehead fish
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