Do you know what you know about registering Japanese trademarks- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Do you know what you know about registering Japanese trademarks?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 5, 2023 16:41:39

Register Japanese trademarks and learn about these first

Time required for Japanese trademark registration application

1. Time required for trademark registration in Japan: 12 to 18 months;

2. Validity period of Japanese trademark: ten years, starting from the date of approval of registration;

3. Time limit for objection to Japanese registered trademark application: two months;

4. The Japanese trademark will be revoked if it is not used for three consecutive years;

5. The official language of Japanese trademark registration application is Japanese.

Subject qualification of applicant for Japanese trademark registration

Both natural persons and legal persons may apply for trademark registration. The trademark applicant must be the person who uses the trademark on the goods or services related to his business, or plans to use the trademark in the future. Therefore, when applying for a trademark, you must fill in your own business scope. For foreigners to apply for trademark registration, Japan mainly adopts the following principles:

1. The applicant's country is a member of the Paris Convention;

2. The applicant's home country and Japan have signed a bilateral agreement on trademark protection;

3. The applicant's home country and Japan have the principle of reciprocity.

Ways to apply for trademark registration in Japan

Japan is a member country of Madrid. If Japanese trademark registration is handled separately through Madrid, the requirement is: domestic trademark acceptance notice. The cost of Madrid international registration channel is not much different from that of a single registration channel. However, if the Japanese trademark is handled through Madrid, the review opinion will often be issued due to different product classification requirements. Because the reply to the review opinion must be entrusted to a local Japanese lawyer, the cost will add up to much more than that of a single way. Therefore, it is more appropriate for Japan to handle the Japanese trademark through a single way.

Trademark assignment
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

Trademark registration

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Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law