What steps should be taken to apply for Korean trademark registration- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What steps should be taken to apply for Korean trademark registration?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 5, 2023 16:23:07

What steps need to be taken to apply for Korean trademark

Korean trademark registration process:

1. Trademark inquiry: This process is an illegal process before trademark application, which is mainly to search the applied trademark to determine whether the trademark is not similar in composition or the same as the registered or registered trademark in South Korea;

2. Application submission: submit a trademark application to the Korean Trademark Office, which is the Korean Intellectual Property Office;

3. Formal examination: after receiving the trademark application, the Korean Intellectual Property Office will conduct a preliminary examination of the application, mainly to examine whether the trademark application materials are standardized and missing; If the requirements are met, the application date and application number will be granted.

4. Substantive examination: After the formal examination, the Korean Intellectual Property Office will also conduct a deeper examination of the trademark application, mainly examining whether the trademark application violates the prohibition regulations of the Trademark Law. The trademark application that does not meet the examination requirements will be rejected by the Korean Intellectual Property Office. After receiving the notice of rejection, the applicant can appeal if he is dissatisfied with the judgment. The main reasons for the rejection of the trademark application in South Korea are:

(1) The category of trademark application is not clear;

(2) The content of the application submitted does not contain the name and address of the applicant;

(3) The content of the trademark application submitted is not written in Korean;

(4) The submitted application documents did not attach the trademark design;

(5) The trademark applicant does not have a residence or office in Korea, nor does it have a Korean trademark application agent.

5. Trademark announcement: after the trademark has been examined, the Korean Intellectual Property Office believes that it can accept the registration of the trademark, and will publish an announcement on the Korean official platform for public evaluation and objection; Anyone can raise an objection, state reasons and submit relevant evidence during the announcement period.

6. Approval of registration: For a trademark that has been judged to be registrable upon objection, if no objection is raised during the announcement period, or if there is an objection but the trademark is not established, the Korean Intellectual Property Office will approve the registration of the trademark and issue a trademark registration certificate to the applicant.

7. Period of protection: The exclusive right to use a trademark shall be valid for 10 years from the date of approval for registration, and an application for renewal of registration shall be made within 6 months after the expiration of the period; If no application is filed during this period, a grace period of 6 months may be granted. If no application is filed at the expiration of the grace period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled. Each renewal of registration is valid for 10 years.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
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