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Trademark transaction
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Trademark transaction
Do you know what materials should be provided for the transfer of registered trademarks?
The materials that need to be provided for trademark transfer and the idle trademarks in hand can actually be transferred in exchange for the corresponding benefits, so that the trademarks will not be wasted here. Trademark transfer [View details]
What are the documents required for trademark registration in trademark transfer?
What materials are necessary for enterprises to transfer trademarks? For many enterprises, the idle trademarks in their hands can actually be transferred in exchange for corresponding benefits, so as not to make the trademarks white [View details]
What are the precautions for enterprises in the process of trademark trading?
Do you know this? Previously, Alibaba auctioned off a number of trademarks owned by Fast Broadcast, and 18 enterprises participated in the bidding. Finally, from the base price of 40000 yuan to the high price of 9.5 million yuan, Fast Broadcast trademarks were finally found [View details]
What are the precautions when buying and selling trademarks and intellectual trademarks?
Restrictions on the transfer of registered trademarks. The transfer of registered trademarks is not arbitrary, and some problems should be paid attention to when transferring. What are the restrictions on the transfer of registered trademarks? Restrictions on the transfer of registered trademarks [View details]
What are the procedures for the transfer of clothing trademarks in trademark registration?
Clothing trademark transfer process, clothing trademark is actually the brand of clothing. It is a mark on the clothes produced by the clothing production enterprises and distribution enterprises. What is the process of garment trademark transfer [View details]
What is the reason for purchasing the transferred trademark? What are the specific types of trademark renewal materials?
What are the benefits of purchasing the transferred trademark? If there is no long-term brand planning, the painstaking brand will easily become the victim of the copycat. What are the benefits of purchasing the transferred trademark? Purchase of assigned trademark [View details]
Introduction to the role of trademark registration in the trade of trademarks in Changsha
What is the role of trade mark in Changsha? Trademark is a special legal term. A brand or part of a brand is called a trademark after it is legally registered by the relevant government departments. So, Changsha trademark [View details]
What conditions need to be met for international trademark transfer? What materials should be prepared for international trademark transfer?
What are the conditions and precautions for international trademark transfer? With the continuous promotion of global trade, more and more Chinese brands are gradually going to the world, and international trademarks are also gradually due to global trade [View details]

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Trademark transaction


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