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Trademark transaction
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Trademark transaction
How are trademarks traded? What are the methods of trademark selection?
How to trade trademarks Now, with the increasing emphasis on trademarks by enterprises, the number of trademark applications continues to increase, and the success rate will naturally decrease. Many trademarks are rejected because their names are the same or similar. [View details]
How long does it take for a registered individual to transfer a trademark?
How long does it take for individuals to handle trademark transfer? Which trademark transfer acts are invalid? Individuals can own, design, and apply for trademarks just like enterprises or organizations. As long as the trademark application is passed, it is a symbol of [View details]
How to find a good trademark through trademark trade?
How to find a good trademark through trademark transaction? According to the different legal status of the trademark before authorization and without authorization, we can divide it into two kinds of names, the former is tm trademark, and the latter is r status [View details]
What are the terms contained in the patent transfer agreement?
What clauses should be included in the patent transfer agreement? The patent transfer agreement is an agreement drawn up, signed and sealed by both parties of the patent transfer according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations when handling the patent transfer [View details]
Analysis of trademark registration
What are the benefits of purchasing the transferred trademark? If there is no long-term brand planning, the painstaking brand will easily become the victim of the copycat. What are the benefits of purchasing the transferred trademark? Purchase of assigned trademark [View details]
What are the documents and procedures required for trademark transfer
With the development of commerce, it has driven the development of social economy, and commerce can not be separated from the promotion of trademarks, which represent an image symbol of enterprises and an intangible asset [View details]
What are the transaction steps of transferring trademarks in trademark registration?
What are the procedures for transferring trademarks? Trademark is a special legal term. A brand or part of a brand is called a trademark after it is legally registered by the relevant government departments. Then, transfer the trademark to [View details]
How much does a trademark usually cost?
How much is it to purchase the transferred trademark? What problems should we pay attention to in trademark transfer? The trademark can be transferred, but if you want to buy the trademark, you must discuss with the trademark owner, and then you plan to buy it [View details]

Trademark registration

patent application

Copyright Services

legal service

Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law