How to choose trademark color for trademark registration- Trademark of snakehead fish
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How to choose trademark color for trademark registration?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 9, 2023 16:10:25

How to choose trademark color for high value

Black and white trademark advantages

The trademark applicant has registered a color trademark and designated a corresponding color. When it actually uses the registered trademark, it must keep the color of the trademark consistent with that at the time of registration; If the applicant has applied for a red registered trademark, it must use the red trademark when using it, otherwise the applicant's behavior constitutes "self changing the registered trademark", and its exclusive right to use the registered trademark will face the risk of being deprived of cancellation.

In contrast, black and white trademarks do not specify colors, so they are more flexible in use; When using the registered trademark, the trademark applicant can use any color to modify the black and white registered trademark as long as the trademark does not constitute an approximation and does not violate the prohibition regulations of the Trademark Law.

Color trademark advantages

Although color trademarks are limited in actual use, they are not useless. In some special cases, color trademarks also have significant advantages.

First of all, because of the needs of product characteristics, some special commodities such as paint, color brushes, etc. are more suitable for color trademarks. Color trademarks can better show product characteristics, make products more recognizable, and then form brand effects.

Secondly, some color signs have become significant after long-term use, and have high popularity and influence among relevant consumer groups, such as McDonald's yellow M sign, green Starbucks mermaid sign, etc; There is no need to change the color of such signs in use to destroy the original impression, which is obviously more suitable for applying for color trademarks.

Finally, some trademarks are too simple and concise in design. If they are applied for as registered trademarks in the form of black and white trademarks, they are easy to be rejected by the Trademark Office for lack of distinctiveness and other reasons; The application in the form of color trademark can increase the significance of the trademark, and thus improve the probability of successful trademark registration.

Black and white trademarks and color trademarks have their own advantages and disadvantages. When submitting trademark drawings, trademark applicants can conduct comprehensive analysis and judgment according to their own actual conditions, and then reasonably select trademark colors to maximize the value of registered trademarks.

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