What is the process required for Korean trademark transfer? Introduction to the steps of South Korean trademark transfer - Chanyu trademark
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What is the process required for Korean trademark transfer? Introduction to the steps of Korean trademark transfer

Publishing website: Issued on: January 5, 2023 16:29:03

Korean trademark transfer process and precautions

Korean trademark transfer process:

01 Trademark selection

Provide trademark purchase demand, confirm the country/region, category and budget of the intended trademark

02 Trademark confirmation

Trademark consultants follow up customer needs and find the most suitable trademark to recommend to customers

03 Signing the contract

After the customer confirms that the trademark meets his own needs, both parties sign an international trademark transfer contract

04 Transfer

The customer pays for the purchase of the trademark, and the famous product company applies to the trademark office of the country where the trademark is located for trademark transfer

05 Successful transfer

After the official review is passed, the user's electronic certificate of successful trademark transfer is issued, and the service ends

Precautions for Korean trademark transfer:

1. The date on which the assignment of a registered trademark is published is the date on which the assignee enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark, and the period of validity of the assigned registered trademark is from that date to the expiration of the period of validity of the registered trademark.

2. Trademark transfer If you have a suitable transferee, you should issue a trademark certificate, as well as application materials for trademark transfer, copies of the ID cards of the transferor and the transferee, or the company's business license. Both the transferor and the transferee should go to the Trademark Office for processing.

3. Another simple way is to find an agency to handle it. As long as you show a reasonable price for your trademark, it will be easier.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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