What will happen if the trademark is not changed? What are the consequences of not changing the trademark- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What will happen if the trademark is not changed? What are the consequences of not changing the trademark?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 9, 2023 16:36:59

What will be the impact of no trademark change

What will be the impact of not changing the trademark?

Many enterprises are afraid of spending money, trouble and trouble. When the name and address of the enterprise change, they neglect to go through the trademark change procedures according to law. What they should do is not done. After the "disaster", there are still 10000 question marks in their heads. Why is this so?

Successful trademark application is only the first step of trademark operation, and the detailed management of trademark determines whether the trademark can be operated for a long time. If the company is changed and the trademark registrant or address is not changed in time, the following fatal effects will be caused:

1. Impact on trademark transfer and authorization

In addition to relevant laws and regulations, when enterprises and individuals transfer and authorize trademarks, the Trademark Office needs to check whether the information of trademark registration is consistent with the address and name of the business license. If the name and address of the enterprise whose trademark information is found to be inconsistent, the Trademark Office will reject the application, and the application for change needs to be made before trademark transfer, authorization and other procedures can be carried out.

2. Affect the entry of platforms or shopping malls

To enter into e-commerce platforms such as Tmall, JD, Suning, etc., enterprises need to provide trademark registration certificates. The platform will check the trademark information and the name and address of the business license. If the information is inconsistent, it is not allowed to enter the mall or online platform, which will affect the subsequent promotion.

3. Approval affecting trademark pledge

Enterprises also need to approve trademark registration information when serving bidding, banking, trademark pledge and other businesses. If the name and address information is not changed in time, these information will be inconsistent and will affect the subsequent approval process.

4. Influence subsequent update of trademark

The term of use of the trademark is 10 years, which shall be renewed in time after the expiration. Trademark information will be checked during renewal. If the trademark name and address are inconsistent, the trademark renewal may fail. Enterprises will no longer have trademark rights, which is not conducive to long-term accumulation of brand effect.

In reality, it is found that many trademark registration applicants do not pay much attention to this area. They always think that if the trademark registration is successful, everything will be all right. The change of trademark address is a small but often easily overlooked detail. However, due to the negligence of the trademark owner, it may lead to a brand that has worked hard for many years and is worth hundreds of thousands or even millions, Be easily taken away by others.

Trademark supplement
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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