Analysis of dry goods sharing what rights in copyright can be transferred- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Analysis of dry goods sharing what rights in copyright can be transferred?

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-22 14:40:18

Copyright transfer is a way for copyright owners to make profits, but which rights are transferred in copyright transfer? Are all rights transferred?

1、 Which rights in copyright can be transferred

According to the provisions of the Copyright Law, the transferable rights in copyright are as follows:

1. Reproduction right: the right to make one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, rubbing, recording, videotaping, duplicating, or photographing.

2. Distribution right: the right to provide the original or copy of a work to the public by means of sale or donation.

3. Leasing right: the right to license others to temporarily use cinematographic works and works and computer software created by means similar to film production, except for computer software that is not the main object of leasing.

4. Exhibition right: the right to publicly display the originals or copies of artistic works and photographic works.

5. Performance right: the right to perform a work publicly and to broadcast the performance of the work publicly by various means.

6. Projection right: the right to publicly reproduce art, photography, films and works created by means similar to film production through projector, slide projector and other technical equipment.

7. Broadcasting right: that is, the right to publicly broadcast or disseminate works in a wireless manner, to disseminate works broadcast to the public in a wired or rebroadcast manner, and to disseminate works broadcast to the public through loudspeakers or other similar means of transmitting symbols, sounds and images.

8. The right of information network communication: that is, the right to provide works to the public in a wired or wireless way so that the public can obtain works at the time and place selected by themselves.

9. Production right: the right to fix a work on a carrier by making a film or by a similar method.

10. Adaptation right: the right to change a work and create an original new work.

11. Translation right: the right to convert a work from one language to another.

12. Assembly right: the right to integrate a work or a fragment of a work into a new work through selection or arrangement.

13. Other rights that should be enjoyed by copyright owners.

2、 What are the ways of copyright transfer

There are several ways to transfer copyright:

1. Paid or free: The transfer of copyright can be paid or free. The former, such as through sale or exchange, and the latter, such as through gift or bequest.

2. Separate transfer and regional transfer: all property rights in copyright are not necessarily transferred to the same citizen, legal person or other organization, and the copyright owner can make multiple choices on the content of the transferred rights. The copyright owner may transfer the publishing right and translation right he enjoys to the publishing house and translation company respectively; In addition, the copyright owner can also transfer the adaptation rights of different art forms to different adaptors.

Transfer of copyright is commonly known as "sell out" or "sell out" of copyright. In countries that allow the transfer of copyright, only the property rights in copyright can be transferred, and the personal rights in copyright cannot be transferred. In other words, in the transfer of copyright, the above personal rights and property rights can only be transferred with the rights included in the property rights.

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