What are the advantages of domestic enterprises registering international trademarks- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the advantages of domestic enterprises registering international trademarks?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 10, 2023 16:42:04

Benefits of domestic enterprises registering international trademarks

Registration of trademarks abroad is not an optional issue. All manufacturers who want to enter their products into the international market should register their trademarks in foreign countries as soon as possible, so that their products will not be excluded in the selling country and the sales market will not be seized by others.

1. Realize self-protection of enterprises

The purpose of trademark registration is to obtain the exclusive right of trademark of the country where the goods are sold. Once the trademark is registered, other people can't register or use the same or similar trademark on the same or similar goods, so as to prevent infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises in the selling country and win the market.

At the same time, after the trademark of export goods is registered in the country of sale, a lawsuit can be filed in case of trademark disputes, which will be protected by the laws of that country and win the lawsuit.

For example, the Chinese "Butterfly" brand sewing machine is an important commodity exported to Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Since the Chinese import and export company has applied for registration in time at the place of sale, it filed a complaint against the counterfeiter to the local court, and the court ordered the counterfeiter to publish an apology in the newspaper. This has protected the rights and interests of Chinese goods in the region and occupied the market.

2. It can lay the foundation for creating famous brands

After the Chinese trademark is effectively registered abroad, it can steadily occupy the international market for a long time, expand sales volume, maintain good reputation, become a famous trademark, and then become a well-known trademark. If you do not register in time, you will be preempted to register. As a result, although you spend a lot of money on advertising, it has no economic benefit. Instead, you help others, promote others, and create a brand for others.

If Chinese enterprises want to occupy a place in the international market, get development, and then enter the ranks of the world's major enterprises, they must develop their own trademark strategy, attach importance to the international registration of trademarks, strive to create famous brands, strive to create well-known trademarks, so as to improve the competitiveness and popularity of enterprises, stabilize the foreign market, and expand the foreign market.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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