What are the materials to be prepared for Japanese patent applications- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the materials to be prepared for Japanese patent applications?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 4, 2023 16:38:31

Materials required for Japanese patent application

Materials required for Japanese patent application:

1. Invention patent

① The application shall indicate the name and address of the inventor and the applicant (including the name of the legal representative if the applicant is a legal person), the date of submission, the name of the invention and the priority date (if priority is claimed);

② The description includes: the title of the invention, the description of the drawings, the detailed description of the invention, and the claims (English version can be sent, and Japanese version can be supplemented within 2 months);

③ If necessary, there shall be attached drawings;

④ Abstract;

⑤ If priority is required, priority documents shall be submitted, including certified copies of the earlier application and its Japanese translation;

⑥ If an agent is entrusted, the power of attorney shall be submitted (can be supplemented later).

2. Utility model

① The application shall indicate the name and address of the inventor and the applicant (including the name of the legal representative if the applicant is a legal person), the date of submission, the name of the invention and the priority date (if priority is claimed);

③ If necessary, there shall be attached drawings;

④ Abstract;

⑤ If priority is required, priority documents shall be submitted, including certified copies of the earlier application and its Japanese translation;

⑥ If an agent is appointed, a power of attorney shall be submitted.

3. Appearance design

① The application shall indicate the name and address of the designer and the applicant in both Chinese and English (including the name of the legal representative if the applicant is a legal person), the date of submission, the name of the invention and the priority date (if priority is claimed);

② Commodity with design;

③ Pictures or photos (6 views);

⑤ If an agent is appointed, a power of attorney shall be submitted.

Japanese patent service
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