How long is the retention period of trademark intellectual trademark archives- Trademark of snakehead fish
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How long is the retention period of trademark intellectual trademark archives?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 15, 2023 15:01:24

How long will the trademark file be kept and under what circumstances will it be destroyed

With the acceleration of the pace of global economic integration, the role of trademarks as commodity marks has been increasingly valued, and the related legal system has also become increasingly perfect.

1、 Paper files of trademark registration

The retention period of trademark registration paper files can be divided into permanent and regular.

1. Permanent storage

(1) Application for trademark registration, change, assignment, renewal, correction, deletion, cancellation, abandonment, merger and main supporting documents, notice and decision.

(2) Application for transferring international trademark registration to domestic trademark registration and application for replacing domestic trademark registration with notes, main supporting documents, notices and decisions.

(3) Trademark opposition application, main supporting documents, notice and decision.

(4) Revocation of the application for not using the registered trademark for three consecutive years, revocation of the registered trademark as the common name of goods/services, and the main supporting documents, notifications, decisions, revocation of the registered trademark of Baihang to change the registered items, and other materials.

(5) Application for reexamination of rejected trademark registration application, reexamination of rejected trademark registration, reexamination of objection, reexamination of cancelled registered trademark, reexamination application for declaration of invalid registered trademark, and main supporting documents, notices, and decisions.

(6) An application for invalidation of a registered trademark and its main supporting documents, notice, decision and ruling.

(7) Application for registered trademark dispute and main supporting documents, notice, decision and ruling.

(8) Trademark announcement.

(9) Trademark Register.

(10) Trademark information and procedure correction sheet.

2. Regular storage

(1) Evidence materials of trademark opposition cases.

(2) Evidentiary materials for the case of revocation of not using a registered trademark for three consecutive years and revocation of a registered trademark of a common name of goods/services.

(3) Evidential materials for the rejection of trademark registration application for reexamination, rejection of registration reexamination, objection reexamination, revocation of registered trademark reexamination, and invalidation declaration of registered trademark reexamination.

(4) Evidentiary materials for invalidation declaration of registered trademark.

(5) Reject the application materials.

(6) Evidentiary materials for disputes over registered trademarks.

(7) The pledge registration of the exclusive right to use a trademark, the materials of the people's court for sealing up a registered trademark, and the materials for the record of the trademark use license.

3. Destruction

The trademark registration archives whose retention period has expired shall be appraised in a timely manner and an appraisal report shall be formed. The archives that still have value for preservation shall be kept according to the actual extension of the retention period; The archives that are no longer worth preserving and are determined to be destroyed shall be checked and a detailed list of archives destruction shall be prepared. After being reported to the leader in charge of trademark T of the State Intellectual Property Office for approval, the archives shall be destroyed in accordance with relevant regulations, and the detailed list of destruction shall be kept permanently.

2、 Electronic archives of trademark registration

The electronic archives of trademark registration shall be kept for a long time.

According to the above information, we can know how long the trademark archives will be kept and under what circumstances the trademark archives will be destroyed. I hope it will be helpful to you.

General registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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