Analysis of trademark registration How to choose the category of cosmetics trademark - Chanyu trademark
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Analysis of trademark registration how to choose the category of makeup trademark

Publishing website: Issued on: February 10, 2023 16:36:03

As can be seen from the literal content, makeup is a decorative act that gives color to the surface. It mainly acts on the face, eyes, lips and nails. Because of the development of science and technology, more and more cosmetics also appear. Naturally, many cosmetics that can be decorated are used to decorate or add color to themselves. So how can we choose the category of the cosmetics trademark?

You can still select the category you want from the category encyclopedia in the trademark website. That is to say, what we are looking for now is the category of the cosmetics trademark, so we can be the first to know that the major category of this trademark is actually in Category 3, and then select the important subcategories for registration or transfer according to the specific laws in Category 3.

The process of trademark registration obviously has more steps than the process of transfer, so it takes more memory to remember when understanding. At the beginning of registration, trademark inquiry is a necessary measure, although it is not a necessary step in the registration process. But it is because of its own influence that the early inquiry of trademark registration becomes indispensable.

After the query, if there is no similar trademark among the registered and approved trademarks in the market, it is obvious that the registered trademark can continue to be registered. You can start the registration process, prepare the required materials, and submit them to the Trademark Office for examination. There are two forms of review: formal review and substantive review.

After both examinations are passed, the next stage will be continued, that is, the trademark will be announced. The purpose of this three-month announcement is to let the society judge whether this trademark is likely to be similar to its own trademark. If there is an objection, it can be raised within this period of time, and the applicant will make a corresponding defense. If the trademark is failed, it will not be approved, and if the trademark is approved successfully, it will obtain a trademark registration certificate.

Therefore, the time required for trademark registration is nearly one year, not to mention casually. Moreover, in case of rejection or objection, the time required for approval is not just one year. The duration of trademark registration also depends on various problems encountered in the process of trademark registration. When enterprises register trademarks, they should also do enough work in this regard.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
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