Among the 45 categories of trademarks, which category does teahouse belong to- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Among the 45 categories of trademarks, which category does teahouse belong to?

Publishing website: Release date: February 10, 2023 15:28:06

How to recognize the problem of rush registration in Guangdong teahouse trademark registration?

Teahouse is a place where people can gather together to drink tea and have a rest. In fact, teahouses have appeared since a very early time, and their functions have not changed much since ancient times, but they can also be divided into different types of teahouses according to the location of construction. So as far as the trademark of teahouse is concerned, is there an answer to the category selection of enterprises?

Because it is a teahouse that appears as a service business place, the first thought of selecting a category is that it should actually be selected from the service trademark category. Moreover, through the query of the complete encyclopedia of trademark classification of famous products, the conclusion is more clear. The category of the teahouse trademark is actually "4301 - providing catering and accommodation services - teahouse C430003" of category 43, which is the most suitable category.

Before the registration of Guangdong trademark, we should first check whether there are similar trademarks registered in the market. If there is no registration, it is easy to be preempted by other enterprises. At this time, if enterprises can know how to avoid rush registration, it is actually an effective way to protect their own enterprises and trademarks.

If it is a trademark that has not yet been registered, it is obviously unreasonable for enterprises to rely on legal protection to avoid rush registration. At this time, it is necessary to prove that the unregistered trademark has actually been used in the market, and relevant evidence can be provided to prove that it is really used. For example, the packaging with the trademark when used and some evidence in the process of trademark publicity.

If the evidence can not prove the effective use of the trademark in the market, we can try to prevent the trademark from being preemptively registered through influence. First, the trademark user needs to provide the business scope and sales of the trademark, collect the familiarity of consumers with the trademark and whether they will recognize it in the market without confusion, In fact, the operation in the market is very critical.

Under the influence of these evidences and influences, if the other party is still clearly aware of the popularity of the trademark, but does not have much connection with itself, it still needs to register the trademark, and the previously registered trademark has not even been used, which is completely consistent with the content of malicious trademark registration, it can naturally be regarded as an act of preemptive registration to reject the trademark. This also reminds enterprises to register trademarks in time so that they can receive due protection.

General registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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