How to apply for your own trademark? What is the way for individuals to register trademarks- Trademark of snakehead fish
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How to apply for your own trademark? What is the way for individuals to register trademarks?

Publishing website: Date of issue: 2023-02-01 16:40:40

How to apply for your own trademark? Can I register in my personal name?

The two ways for individuals to register trademarks are that the applicant goes to the Trademark Registration Hall of the National Trademark Office to handle the trademark registration by himself or entrusts a trademark registration agency to handle the trademark. The first way is to register the trademark.

How to apply for your own trademark?

1、 Query your own trademark

1. Free inquiry through the trademark search system on the Chinese trademark website;

2. Direct inquiry can be made through express delivery, fax, etc. to the trademark service center. However, due to the current technology and other problems, only Chinese (including Pinyin) and English trademarks can be found now. Some graphic trademarks may not be found for the time being, which is an official query (charging).

3. Entrust a trademark agency to inquire, and only pay a little agency fee can save the complicated procedures. Beijing Jingbiao intellectual property can be entrusted

2、 Apply for own trademark

Way to register a trademark: go to the registration hall of the Trademark Office in person or entrust a trademark agency to do so.

1. Materials required for application:

1. Trademark pattern is required;

2. The scope of goods or services to be used by the registered trademark;

3. Identity document: apply in the name of individual: copy of individual identity card, copy of business license of individual business, and must apply for registration within the business scope approved by the license;

2. Register your own trademark:

1. Query the trademark first. If there is no same or similar trademark, you can prepare application documents and submit the application;

2. About 10-20 days after the application is submitted, the Trademark Office will issue you an application acceptance notice (this period is called the form examination stage).

3. After the formal review is completed, the substantive review stage will begin, which will take about one to one and a half years.

4. If it passes the substantive examination, it will enter the announcement procedure (this period is three months, also called the objection period);

5. No objection is raised at the expiration of the announcement period. You can get the registration certificate.

Note: The above process refers to the smooth registration of trademarks, in which the following exception procedures may occur:

1. In about 10 months, the Trademark Office found that the trademark should not be approved for registration (the trademark applied for violates the prohibitive provisions of the law or has the same or similar trademark first), and will issue a notice of rejection of the trademark. For the rejection, the applicant can apply for reexamination within 15 days;

2. Within 3 months of the trademark announcement, if someone raises an objection to the trademark, the Trademark Office will issue a notice of objection defense. For this objection, the applicant can make an objection defense within 30 days.

What are the differences between individual registered trademarks and enterprise registered trademarks?

There is no essential difference between individual registered trademarks and enterprise registered trademarks. Individual registered trademarks and enterprise registered trademarks are the same in terms of the use of trademark rights, the scope of trademark protection, etc.

Advantages for individuals to register trademarks with trademark agencies

1 High success rate

Professional things should be done by professional people, and trademark registration should also be done by professional agencies. As we all know, trademark agency organizations are familiar with trademark laws and regulations and trademark registration. From the form to the substance, it can strictly control from the legal point of view, and it can also provide the applicant with a search of prior trademarks. It can help the applicant with the query results before trademark registration to ensure a high registration approval rate, develop a sound trademark protection strategy, avoid the risk of rejection or objection, and improve the success rate of trademark registration.

2 Faster speed

The application for trademark registration is highly professional. If an individual applies, the applicant often needs to spend a lot of time to understand that the trademark registration name affects the efficiency of trademark registration to a certain extent. The trademark agency organization has rich experience and professional service team, and is very handy in the specific operation process precautions.

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