How to choose the category of registered trademark- Trademark of snakehead fish
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How to choose the category of registered trademark?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 1, 2023 15:05:11

How to select the type of registered trademark

Generally, it can be selected according to the goods or services of the applicant's main business, or representative goods or services can be selected for registration. The specific information needs to be filled in according to the commodity classification table provided by the Trademark Office.

Trademarks are divided into 45 categories, including 1-34 categories of goods and 35-45 categories of services. There are more than 10000 goods and services in total, which may increase with the development of the industry in the future. So what can we do when choosing trademark categories? Now let's take a detailed look.

1、 How to select the type of registered trademark

1. Select trademark category related to main business or brand

Because trademark registration must be related to the company's products, when registering a trademark, you can select a limited number of trademark categories related to the product, which is the most basic choice method.

2. Multiple categories of registration, expanding the scope of trademark protection

For the company, cost saving is also the primary purpose. You can select several categories that are most suitable for the actual brand and then select each sub category under these categories for registration. This is also the most effective way to protect trademarks and reduce the cost of trademark registration.

3. Registration of all types of trademarks

There are 45 categories of trademarks. Full category registration means that trademark registration protection should be carried out in all categories, so that the same trademarks as those of enterprises will not appear in any field. Large well-known enterprises nationwide and locally are all registered in full category, which is also the safest method.

You should pay attention to that if your trademark is only registered in a single category, you should never use it in other categories. You can only use one category in case of trademark registration. If you want to use it in other products, it is recommended to register all categories. If someone else registers, they may be sued for infringement.

2、 After selecting the trademark category, there are other aspects to pay attention to:

1. Before applying for a trademark, you should first query the trademark website to see if it is a registered trademark, but there is no recent trademark information in the trademark database. During this period, if someone submits a trademark that is the same as or similar to yours, you will not see it, and it will be rejected according to the principle of first application.

2. After the trademark is registered, don't use it easily in other categories. The risk should not be underestimated. If your trademark is only registered in category 30, you can't use it directly if you want to do 29 types of products. You can only use which type of trademark is registered. If you want to use it in other products, it is recommended to register it early. If someone else registers, they may be sued for infringement, Not only will the product be taken off the shelf, but also the compensation problem will be faced.

Choosing the category of goods or services is an inevitable step when an enterprise applies for trademark registration. If the category applied is not correct, not only can the trademark fail to protect the legitimate interests of the enterprise at this time, but it is also likely to cause registration failure.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
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