Do you know how to solve the infringement of registered trademark overseas- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Do you know how to solve the infringement of registered trademark overseas?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 10, 2023 16:45:16

What to do if the registered trademark is infringed overseas

First of all, we should specify the region of use of the trademark, that is, which country overseas is relevant to, for example, the United Kingdom. In that sentence, it is better to provide evidence of the use of the trademark in the United Kingdom, and the other is the time of use of the trademark. Generally, the evidence of the earliest use and continued use is more important, In specific events, the supporting materials of corresponding time period shall be provided according to the situation.

Then there is the use content of the trademark. The certification materials need to clearly show the trademark to be certified and the related products, otherwise the certification power will be greatly reduced. Some enterprises' sales invoices only specify the products, but there is no trademark, so the certification effect is unsatisfactory. As well as the use form of the trademark, sometimes the scanned copy is enough, and sometimes it needs to be notarized or even certified, Sometimes it is enough to sign a declaration, sometimes it is necessary to go to a foreign country to go through formalities, and some even need to be handed over through diplomatic channels. We must strictly comply with the form requirements of countries and cases for evidence materials.

The last is the number of trademarks used. In fact, the more evidence materials are not visible, the better. If these evidences are not relevant, the more they are, the less they will help. Even if the number of key evidences is limited, as long as they can form a chain of evidence, they can play a decisive role. So if you find that your overseas trademark has been snapped up, don't worry. First, provide key evidence, According to the above points, it will be beneficial to find evidence as required.

General registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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