Analysis of trademark registration What information is needed for trademark registration abroad - Chanyu trademark
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Analysis of trademark registration

Publishing website: Issued on: January 10, 2023 16:40:04

What materials are needed for trademark registration abroad

1、 What information is required for trademark registration abroad?

1. The applicant's ID card, business license (Chinese and English name and address).

2. Goods or services (The Nice Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Registration of Trademarks shall be adopted.)

3. Logo pattern: clear trademark pattern, electronic version of LOGO (JPG format). Note: If the registered trademark is in color, please specify the color, and it will be used in accordance with the specified color in the future; If the registered trademark is black and white, any color can be used later.

4. A "Power of Attorney to Register a U.S. Trademark" fills in a word trademark and a category of goods or services.

5. Supporting documents of domestic registered trademark, date of first use in the United States and evidence.

2、 Is the same domestic trademark as foreign trademark an infringement?

If the domestic trademark and the foreign trademark are the same, the domestic rush registration of the foreign well-known trademark shall be regarded as infringement. Article 13 of the Trademark Law: If the trademark applied for registration in respect of the same or similar goods is a reproduction, imitation or translation of a well-known trademark not registered in China by others, which is likely to cause confusion, it shall not be registered and its use shall be prohibited. The domestic rush registration of foreign well-known trademarks is considered as infringement. If the country has signed an agreement on intellectual property protection with China, or is jointly within the system of an international intellectual property convention, the trademarks registered in the country are also protected by China.

At present, from the Paris Convention to TRIPs, only the corresponding provisions have been made on the protection of rush registration of well-known trademarks in various countries. If it is a non well-known trademark, you can register the non well-known trademark of other countries in your country, which is no problem. As long as the domestic trademark office is approved, there will be no consequences. If the foreign trademark holder comes to raise objections and disputes after knowing this information, that is the last word.

General registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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