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Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Beijing Municipal Regulations on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights will come into force on July 1 this year, and the punishment of intellectual property dishonesty will be announced to the public
Yesterday morning, the 38th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Beijing Municipal People's Congress voted to adopt the Beijing Intellectual Property Protection Regulations, which will come into force on July 1, 2022. The Regulations propose that intellectual property protection [View details]
The trademark "Gu Ailing" was registered by the Intellectual Property Office: it is malicious to register the names of public figures
On February 8, Gu Ailing, a Chinese athlete, won the championship in the women's freestyle ski grand jump final at the Beijing Winter Olympics, attracting great attention. Later, some netizens found that the name of Quan Hongchan was the same as that of Quan Hongchan, [View details]
Anhui added 2 gold and 2 silver medals and 26 outstanding awards in the review of the 22nd patent award
On November 21, the Forum on the Development and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Emerging Industries of the 2021 World Manufacturing Conference was held in Hefei, where the Status Quo and Analysis Results of High Value Patents in Anhui in 2020 were released. It is reported that, [View details]
Zhejiang Tonglu Releases Intellectual Property "Bonus" to Boost High Quality Development
Lehua reapplied for Han Geng's trademark. The current status is waiting for substantive review. Recently, Beijing Lehua Yuanyu Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. reapplied for Han Geng's trademark registration; HG trademark, internationally classified as cloth bedspread, currently [View details]
The first "Zhichu Cup" patent practical skills contest in Hubei attracted wide attention
On October 24, the final of the first Zhichu Cup Patent Practice Skills Competition in Hubei Province was held in Wuhan University of Technology. The competition was hosted by Hubei Intellectual Property Office, Hubei Patent Agents Association, Wuhan University of Technology [View details]
How to Protect Intellectual Property in the Yangtze River Delta and Improve the Scale and Efficiency of Intellectual Property Financing
On October 21, the 18th Shanghai Intellectual Property International Forum Sub forum and the first Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Innovation Corridor Intellectual Property Forum were held. The first cross regional intellectual property administrative protection cooperation center in China was officially launched [View details]
Ali's application for NB trademark consists of thumbs up and NB letters
Alibaba applied for the NB trademark, which consists of thumbs up and NB letters. Recently, Alibaba Singapore Holdings Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of the NB graphic trademark. The trademark consists of thumbs up gesture and the letter NB [View details]
Release of Research Results of Patent Navigation in Biological Breeding Industry
The Intellectual Property Development Research Center of the State Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter referred to as the Research Center) released the Research Results of Patent Navigation in Biological Breeding Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Report). According to the report, nearly 10% of the biological breeding industry [View details]

Trademark registration

patent application

Copyright Services

legal service

Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law