What should we pay attention to in trademark registration- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What should we pay attention to in trademark registration?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 9, 2023 15:58:49

Can creative characters be registered as trademarks

Some applicants know that when designing trademarks, if the font design of Chinese characters is different from other designs, it can be reviewed and passed, but if it is too exaggerated, or even reaches the level of "non-standard Chinese characters", most of them will be rejected. There are mainly the following situations:

1. The characters are missing and contain only a part of the characters themselves, resulting in non-standard use, which is easy to cause consumers to misunderstand their writing and have adverse social effects.

2. It contains self made characters, which cause non-standard use, and is easy to make consumers misunderstand their writing and have adverse social impact.

3. The characters are lack of strokes, resulting in non-standard use, which is easy to make consumers misunderstand their writing and have adverse social impact.

This is because the use of such non-standard Chinese characters as trademark registrations is likely to have adverse social effects, which has constituted the situation specified in Paragraph 1 (8) of Article 10 of the Trademark Law. This is to protect our Chinese character writing culture. This provision is almost the same as the trademark review provisions on idioms.

Therefore, the self created Chinese characters do not comply with the provisions of the Trademark Law. It is recommended that the applicant not use the self created Chinese characters, but can design the style of Chinese characters in their artistic expression, but it is better not to exaggerate them too much, or they may be rejected as "non-standard Chinese characters" by the examiner.

What should we pay attention to when registering a word trademark?

1. The composition of word trademarks is mainly words and numbers. Since 2001, China's requirements for the registration of word trademarks have been fully opened. Not only Arabic numerals can be used, but also Chinese can be used. Even upper and lower case letters in English can be used for trademark registration.

2. Generally, people do not register a single letter trademark. One reason is the lack of distinctiveness, and the other reason is that it is too monotonous to register in many countries. Therefore, if you want to register a word trademark, you must require more than two letters.

3. A word trademark may not use words prohibited by the Trademark Law.

Collective trademark registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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