What is the difference between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What is the difference between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration?

Publishing website: Release date: 2021-11-08 14:23:33

When it comes to trademark registration, the classification of trademarks must appear in everyone's mind. The general classification of trademarks is general trademark registration and collective trademark registration. Although both are trademark registration, there are still differences between them. What are the differences between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration? Today we will join you to see the difference between the two!

 What are the differences between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration?

What are the differences between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration?

What are the differences between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration?

Collective organizations can apply for the registration of both collective trademarks and ordinary trademarks, but they have the following differences:

(1) Both collective trademarks and ordinary trademarks indicate operators of goods or services, but collective trademarks indicate that goods or services come from an organization; Ordinary trademarks indicate that they come from a certain operator.

(2) Collective trademarks can only be registered by one organization; An ordinary trademark application may be filed by an organization or a self-employed person.

(3) Where an application for a collective trademark is filed, the rules for the administration of its use must be submitted; There is no such requirement for applying for ordinary trademarks.

(4) Collective trademarks may not be used by members other than the Organization; Ordinary trademarks may be used by members other than the Organization.

(5) When a collective trademark is allowed to be used by its members, it is not necessary to sign a licensing contract; When a common trademark is licensed to others, a license contract must be signed.

(6) Collective trademarks cannot be transferred; Ordinary trademarks may be transferred to others.

(7) The Trademark Office shall not approve the registration of the same or similar trademark within two years after the expiration of the collective trademark; For ordinary trademarks, it only takes one year for the Trademark Office to approve the registration of the same or similar trademarks.

What are the differences between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration? This is the end of our answer to this question

Collective trademark registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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