What's the use of soft writing? Why apply for soft copy- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What's the use of soft writing? Why apply for soft copy?

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-21 16:41:49

The full name of soft works is computer software copyright, which belongs to an intellectual property right. It is the recognition of developers' ability by national authorities, a powerful weapon for developers to claim their rights, and a necessary qualification for Android APP to be launched. So what's the use of soft writing? Why should we apply for soft copy?

First of all, soft copy is mainly to prevent others from copying or reselling our code, which can be used as a basis for legal protection. If an enterprise applies for soft publishing, it can also increase the value of intangible assets of the enterprise or individual, such as capital increase, financing mortgage, technology investment, etc. Secondly, soft copy can also be used to apply for high-tech enterprises to help enterprises reduce or exempt taxes. It is the basis for the identification of dual soft (software enterprise identification, software product registration) enterprises, and is also a necessary condition for the application to be launched in the Android App Store. Therefore, it is very necessary to apply for soft copy.

How should I apply for soft copy?

Because the process of soft copy application is very complicated, especially for the review of application materials, a small problem will lead to application failure.

If you follow the normal process, the normal processing cycle of soft copy is 30 working days, and the soft copy can be issued as soon as 3 working days. For many people, time is precious, especially when many people come to the critical moment and miss the best application time, they can only find the developer service platform to apply for software.

Soft copy application needs to provide the following items:

1. Software copyright application

2. Software source code program file

3. Software specification

4. Applicant's identity certification materials [Applicant is an enterprise: provide a copy of the business license (duplicate) and affix the official seal of the enterprise; Applicant is an individual: please provide a copy of the personal identity card (front and back) (copy on one side) and sign in person.]

5. Other necessary materials [The application form, source code and instructions shall be provided for the registration of individual copyright, and one is the copy of personal identity certificate.]

The reasons for the failure of soft copy application are as follows:

1、 The application form was filled out irregularly

1. The full name of the software is not standardized;

2. There are errors in programming language, software environment, hardware environment, code amount, function and technical characteristics;

3. Incorrect development mode;

4. The information of copyright owner is filled in incorrectly

2、 Source program identification material does not meet the requirements

1. The format does not meet the requirements;

2. Information of others unrelated to the applicant appears in the procedure;

3. The applicant provided graphic program, etc.

3、 Identification materials do not meet the requirements

1. The format does not conform to the specified format requirements;

2. There are some other information irrelevant to the applicant in the procedure.

4、 The content is suspected to be non original

After the above steps, it is troublesome to operate by yourself. Of course, the Android application market is an important app publishing channel, and the number of users cannot be underestimated. Therefore, it is the most safe to choose assistance. Of course, you should choose according to your own needs.

App application for soft copy is equivalent to a basis for legal protection, so Android application for soft copy is necessary.

Computer software copyright registration
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