What is the R trademark? Why register a trademark? What are the benefits of registered trademarks- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What is the R trademark? Why register a trademark? What are the benefits of registered trademarks?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 1, 2023 16:32:23

Frequently asked questions about trademarks

1. What is trademark R?

R trademark is a trademark adopted by producers and operators of goods in their goods or service providers in their services, which is used to distinguish the source of goods or services, and is composed of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations, or combinations of the above elements.

A trademark is a sign of a commodity or service, and its essence is to distinguish the same kind of goods (competitors). At present, in China, trademarks can be simple words, simple graphics, or any combination of the above-mentioned elements. Taste and sound cannot be applied for trademark registration.

2. What kinds of trademarks are there?

At present, the State Trademark Office accepts four kinds of trademarks: commodity trademarks, service trademarks (such as advertising, hospitals, restaurants, telecommunications, etc.), collective trademarks, and certification trademarks.

3. Why register a trademark? What are the advantages?

(1) Trademarks belong to the category of intellectual property rights. Registered trademarks enjoy exclusive rights and are protected by law, which can prevent others from rushing to register, prevent competitors from following up or imitating, and prevent themselves from unintentionally infringing on others. It is necessary for enterprises to constantly improve themselves, develop efficiently, and improve their competitiveness.

(2) The registered trademark is the embodiment of the operator's operating awareness and confidence, which is conducive to expanding publicity, creating a brand and laying a good foundation for enterprises to become bigger and stronger.

(3) Registered trademark is the guarantee and symbol of the quality of goods or services, which can enhance the value of products or services and enhance the reputation of enterprises; Enhance consumers' sense of security and trust, increase sales and improve profit margins.

(4) A registered trademark is an intangible asset of an enterprise, which can be pledged, transferred, inherited, or used by others, thus converting huge value.

(5) Registered trademarks are conducive to the development of partners and smooth access to sales channels. In reality, sellers with good reputation generally choose partners with registered trademarks based on the attitude of being responsible for consumers or worrying about trademark infringement of enterprises, which affects them.

4. What are the risk factors of applying for trademark registration?

(1) Subjective factors: the agency is not honest enough, knowingly cannot apply, but deliberately deceives the applicant; The agency is not professional enough, inexperienced, careless, and has no ability to detect or judge various risks; Different opinions of the examiners of the State Trademark Office.

(2) Objective factor: Incompleteness of the information queried first (there is a blind spot in the query); The adjustment of relevant laws, regulations and policies results in the adjustment of review standards; Every trademark that passes the preliminary examination is likely to be challenged during the announcement period.

5. Can individuals apply for trademark registration?

Individuals (natural persons) can apply for the registration of trademarks with their ID cards, but there are certain restrictions on the application conditions. In addition to the copies of the applicant's ID cards, they should also submit copies of the registration documents issued by the relevant administrative authorities (such as business licenses of individual businesses, rural land contracts, etc.).

I hope the FAQs about trademarks introduced in this article can help you.

Urgent registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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