What are the documents to be prepared for Korean patent application- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the documents to be prepared for Korean patent application?

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-22 16:59:37

What materials should be submitted for Korean patent application?

What materials should be submitted for Korean patent application? Nowadays, as Chinese enterprises or businesses go out to explore the overseas market, the pace is constantly accelerating. Domestic enterprises or businesses take various measures in the overseas market to protect the overseas patents or trademarks and other related intellectual property work applied by enterprises or businesses. Applying for patents can enable enterprises or businesses to monopolize the patent technology market, so that businesses or enterprises can obtain more benefits, achieve greater economic benefits for businesses or enterprises, and also promote innovative research and development of patents. In the overseas market, the Korean market is one of the markets selected by many domestic businesses or enterprises. What materials should be submitted when applying for Korean patents?

The Korean patent application needs to submit the following documents to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO):

1. The name and address of the applicant applying for the Korean patent. If the Korean patent applicant is a legal person, it needs to provide the legal person name and business address to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO);

2. The applicant of the Korean patent application needs to provide the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) with the patent title of the invention and the priority date of the patent application. For providing the priority date, the applicant requires priority protection;

3. The application documents submitted to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) by the applicant of a Korean patent application must include the patent content of the invention applied for, a brief description of the attached picture, a detailed description of the patent application and the requirements of the rights;

4. Applicants of Korean patent applications need to provide patent application drawings to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO);

5. The applicant of the Korean patent application needs to provide the relevant abstract of the Korean patent application to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO);

6. If the Korean patent application claims priority, the applicant shall submit the priority document and the Korean version of the original and copy of the priority application of the Korean patent application to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO).

Priority of Korean patent applications

The priority of the Korean patent application is that the Korean patent applicant can enjoy the priority of the application within one year from the submission of the Korean patent application. The priority document of the Korean patent application mentioned above shall be submitted within 16 months from the beginning of the priority enjoyed by the applicant. If the applicant fails to submit within 16 months, he will not enjoy the Korean patent priority.

Formal Examination of Korean Patent Applications

When the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) examines the application documents submitted by the Korean patent applicant, in order to ensure that all requirements meet the formal examination requirements of the Korean patent application. According to the relevant laws of South Korea, patent applications with several contents will be rejected for registration:

1. The application type of the Korean patent application is not clear;

2. The Korean patent application does not have the name of the applicant and the relevant address of the applicant;

3. The content of the Korean patent application is not written in Korean;

4. The application of the Korean patent application does not contain a detailed patent application and patent drawings;

5. After the application of the Korean patent application is submitted, the patent applicant is not a local resident of the Korean country or has no residence in Korea, or the patent applicant has not entrusted a Korean agent to act as an agent for the patent application.

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