What are the characteristics of high-quality patents- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the characteristics of high-quality patents?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 21, 2023 14:14:20

The concept of high-quality invention patents proposed by the State Intellectual Property Office in the past two years is relative to ordinary quality invention patents, that is, compared with ordinary quality invention patents, high-quality patents have their unique characteristics

It mainly includes the following six characteristics:

1. From the perspective of patent creation, high-quality invention patents are generally a kind of invention and creation related to solving common technical problems and facing industrial applications, especially those involving strategic emerging industries and hot technology fields, and can withstand the test of technological advancement.

2. From the perspective of patent application, high-quality invention patents are the reasonable navigation, layout and planning of the technical solutions by the inventor team, which are closely related to the main business and core technology routes of industries, industries and enterprises, as well as the internal technical confidentiality, disclosure, review and selection of patent agencies.

3. From the perspective of patent agency, high-quality invention patents are the in-depth communication, exchange and excavation between patent agencies and patent agents and the team of inventors. They ponder over technical problems and plans, scientifically, reasonably and comprehensively cover the scope of design rights protection, carefully write high-quality application documents, and reasonably protect the disclosed patent technical plans.

4. From the perspective of patent examination, high-quality invention patents are scrupulously, strictly and efficiently examined by patent examiners, enabling innovative subjects to quickly obtain stable and reliable patent authorization.

5. From the perspective of patent protection, high-quality invention patents provide clear legal basis for litigation and rights protection parties, avoid or reduce ambiguity caused by unclear rights, and stand the test of judicial procedures.

6. From the perspective of patent application, high-quality invention patents are clear guidelines for innovation subjects to implement or transfer their achievements in a timely manner, and their transformed achievements can withstand the test of the market.

It should be noted that high-quality patents are the basic support for high-value patents, and patent agencies are an important source of high-quality patents. Improving the level of patent agency is an important link in the whole chain of patent quality improvement project.

To create high-quality patents, on the one hand, agencies need to train high-level patent agents, on the other hand, they need to improve their own management level and comprehensive support ability, so that patent agents adhere to the "craftsmanship spirit", and relevant personnel can be dutiful. Only in this way can high-quality innovation and patent applications be successfully authorized through review and converted into high-value patents.

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