What is the European patent application process? Introduction to European patent application steps - snakehead trademark
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What is the European patent application process? Introduction to European Patent Application Steps

Publishing website: Release date: February 15, 2023 15:34:43

European patent application process steps

The licensing conditions of European patent applications are basically the same as those of Chinese patent applications. However, the application process is different from that of Chinese patents.

1、 Filing patent application

File a patent application with the European Patent Office. The language is (English, French, German). The content of the patent application document is consistent with that of the Chinese patent application document, including the description, claims, abstract and abstract drawings. If the application is made through the Paris Pact, the application shall be sent to Europe within 12 months from the date of application in China, and China's priority shall be required to submit priority documents.

2、 European Patent Office Search

The European Patent Office will generally search the existing technical documents related to the patentability of the application, and notify the European patent lawyer of the search results after the search. When patent applicants receive this search report, they usually need to evaluate the patentability of the invention and the possibility of authorization according to the search content.

3、 Publication of patent application

The European Patent Office will publish the patent application results within 18 months from the application date, and the offline search report will be made before publication, so that the applicant can choose whether to continue to apply.

4、 Request for substantive examination

The applicant shall, at the time of application or within 6 months from the date of publication of the search report of the European Patent Office, submit a request for substantive examination. At the same time, the applicant shall designate a specific member country and pay the designation fee and examination fee. After the substantive review is proposed, it enters the actual review procedure, and usually receives the review comments from the European Patent Office within 1-3 years after the actual review is proposed.

5、 European patent authorization

When the examination is passed, the European Patent Office will issue a notice of authorization. The applicant chooses to agree to the authorization document and is allowed to enter the authorization stage. Or modify the text and claims.

6、 Patent validation

Generally, after receiving the notification of authorization, the applicant must select the effective country of the patent from the list of designated countries and notify the European Patent Office of which country to select. According to the regulations of various countries, it is necessary to translate all the contents of this patent into the language of the country where the patent takes effect and submit it to that country. Generally, European member states require that the translation work be completed within three months from the authorization announcement and take effect in all countries.

Generally, all contents of this EU invention patent need to be translated into the language of the country and submitted to the effective country so that this EU invention patent can take effect in that country. Generally, EU member states require that the translation work be completed within three months of the authorization announcement and take effect in all countries. Nine months after the announcement is the objection period.

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