Art works copyright registration, art copyright protection, logo works copyright registration, design manuscript works copyright registration - Chanyu trademark
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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Logo work registration
Do you know how copyright protects trademarks?
What role does copyright play in protecting trademarks? 1. In the initial stage of trademark creation, cost saving applications for registered trademarks and patents have clear product categories. If comprehensive protection is required, it will cost too much. And copyright registration [View details]
How to Deal with Infringed Copyright Works
What to do when a copyright work is infringed? When an author finds that his/her copyright has been infringed, he/she needs to first think about whether he/she has authorization. If he/she does not have authorization, he/she needs to immediately retain the evidence of infringement, and then [View details]
What is the use of copyright registration of art works? Introduction to copyright registration materials of art works
What materials are needed for copyright registration of works of fine arts 1. Fill in and submit the application for registration of works 2. Fill in the description of works, including sample books, samples, originals, manuscripts, drafts, sketches, photo negatives, etc. 3 [View details]
How to distinguish logo and trademark?
In 2018, there were 1.32 million newly registered enterprises in the first quarter of China, with a large number of registered companies, but most of them were not very clear about the words logo and trademark. We always printed the product logo [View details]
How to protect the copyright of works of art shared by dry goods?
How to protect the copyright of artistic works. Basically, these works of art are strictly protected in terms of their achievements. Then they created a work of art after they were copyrighted, [View details]
Do you know how the art copyright inquiry process is?
Inquiry method and process of art copyright. Copyright has always been the protection right that creators value. Many creators will apply for legal copyright to protect their creations after they have new works. that [View details]
What is the copyright registration process for art works?
Many people have their own understanding of art works. If they create some art works and want our works to be protected by the state, they can apply for copyright registration [View details]
What is the method of obtaining evidence for copyright infringement? What are the possible ways of safeguarding rights
When an author finds that his/her copyright has been infringed, he/she needs to first think about whether he/she has the authorization. If he/she does not have the authorization, he/she needs to immediately retain the evidence of infringement, and then negotiate or litigate with the infringer [View details]

Trademark registration

patent application

Copyright Services

legal service

Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law