Copyright supplement, time of copyright supplement, process and cost of copyright supplement - Chanyu trademark
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Copyright supplement
What are the steps for copyright transfer of written works? The copyright transfer process of written works is as follows
Notice on the copyright transfer process of written works Intellectual property includes several contents, including copyright. Copyright is different from others. We create something. After the creation, we [View details]
Do you know what conditions are included in the elements of patent infringement?
We know that copyright infringement is an act that violates the copyright law and infringes the rights of copyright owners. Patent infringement is an illegal act of infringing a patent for the purpose of production and operation without the permission of the patentee. Such as counterfeiting [View details]
What are the methods to protect the copyright of artistic works?
How to protect the copyright of artistic works? 1. Signing your works is the first step to protect your works from copyright infringement. Develop the habit of signing all works, preferably in the year of completion. Complete a picture [View details]
Can copyright registration be expedited? How long is the copyright protection period?
Can copyright registration be expedited? sure! Generally speaking, the time required for copyright registration of works is calculated from the time when the registration authority accepts the registration application [View details]
Do you know the necessary contents and precautions of the copyright transfer contract?
Necessary contents and precautions of copyright transfer contract I. Necessary contents of copyright transfer contract 1. Name of works or software. The name is the basic basis for determining the object of the transfer contract, so it must be specified in the contract [View details]
What is the difference between legal license and compulsory license of copyright?
What is the difference between legal license and compulsory license of copyright? Compulsory license of copyright refers to that under specific conditions, the copyright authority grants the right to make special use of the published works according to the circumstances [View details]
How to avoid image infringement? Introduction to avoiding image infringement
How to avoid image infringement 1. Pay attention to the review of the source of the image. When using the image, the legal or business department personnel of the enterprise should pay attention to the review of the source of the image, and try to avoid picking up or using the image on the network, [View details]
What rights do you enjoy after copyright registration? What are the differences?
What rights are enjoyed after copyright registration? 1. Rights enjoyed by copyright registration 1. Personal rights of works: The personal rights of works are the spiritual rights enjoyed by authors according to law, which are similar to the personal rights in civil law [View details]

Trademark registration

patent application

Copyright Services

legal service

Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law