What are the steps for copyright transfer of written works? The copyright transfer process of written works is as follows - Chanyu trademark
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What are the steps for copyright transfer of written works? The copyright transfer process of written works is as follows

Publishing website: Issued on: February 21, 2023 16:44:42
Notice on the process of copyright transfer of written works

Intellectual property includes several contents, including copyright, which is different from others. When we create something, we will have the copyright of this work after the creation is completed. We do not need to apply for registration, but applying for registration of copyright can better protect our own rights, which can be used as evidence when others infringe, Even through registration, they can promote themselves. What materials should be prepared if they want to transfer the copyright of written works? What are the procedures for copyright transfer of written works?

What materials should be prepared for copyright transfer of written works?

Materials to be submitted for filing of copyright contract:

① Copyright Contract Filing Application Form.

② Identification of the applicant.

③ Copyright transfer or licensing contract or agreement applied for filing.

④ Samples of works involved in the contract.

⑤ When entrusting others to apply, the agent shall submit the power of attorney of the applicant.

⑥ Identification of the agent.

⑦ Materials proving the ownership of copyright and related rights.

The processing time limit shall be 30 working days after the registration authority accepts the registration application. If the materials need to be supplemented and corrected, the applicant shall complete the supplementation and correction within 60 days after receiving the notification of supplementation and correction, and the registration authority shall complete the procedures within 30 working days after receiving the qualified materials.

What are the steps for copyright transfer of written works?

The copyright transfer process of written works is as follows:

① The process applicant submits registration application materials.

② The registration authority checks the materials received.

③ Notice payment.

④ The applicant shall pay the registration fee.

⑤ The registration authority accepts the application.

⑥ Review.

⑦ Prepare and issue registration certificate.

⑧ Announcement.

What are the precautions for copyright transfer?

1. As for the transferred rights: when signing the contract, the parties should realize that the copyright is transferred as property rights, excluding personal rights. Therefore, the assignor can agree in the contract that if the assignee infringes on the assignor's personal rights of authorship, such as the right of signature, the right of modification, etc., the assignee should make corresponding compensation.

2. The content of the transfer: because there are many contents of the copyright, including the right of reproduction, the right of distribution, the right of lease, the right of exhibition, the right of performance, the right of projection, the right of broadcasting, the right of information network transmission, the right of filming, the right of adaptation, the right of translation, the right of compilation and other rights that should be enjoyed by the copyright owner. Therefore, when signing a contract, it is necessary to specify whether the rights to be transferred are partial or all rights. If it is part of the rights, the content of the transfer should be clearly written to avoid disputes in the future.

Copyright supplement
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