How long will the copyright registration take? The copyright registration process is as follows - Chanyu trademark
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How long will the copyright registration take? The copyright registration process is as follows

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-22 14:43:25

In this era of paying attention to intellectual property rights, in order to prevent others from counterfeiting or stealing their own copyright, let their own copyright be protected by law. They often go for copyright registration. There are many problems about copyright registration. How long does it take to register copyright?

1、 How long does it take for copyright registration

Whether it is the copyright registration in each province or the software copyright registration, the process is the same, and both the preliminary review and the reexamination are required. The preliminary review is to confirm that the work is indeed owned by the author of the document, the evidence is conclusive, and the documents are complete. The reexamination is to check in detail whether the documents are qualified and the payment is complete. The certificate will be issued only after the previous procedures have no problems. Copyright registration generally takes one month, that is, thirty working days.

2、 The copyright registration process includes

1. Log on the website of China Copyright Protection Center and fill in the copyright application form.

2. Print the application form and submit other application documents (the above materials) to the local copyright center, namely the copyright office of a certain city.

3. The Copyright Center receives the documents and preliminarily reviews them.

4. The payment that has passed the review shall be supplemented or the application shall be revoked if it has not passed the review.

5. The Copyright Center accepts the application and issues the acceptance notice.

6. The Copyright Center will review the application documents to see if they need to be supplemented or corrected.

7. After review, the copyright center will register and issue a registration certificate and make an announcement.

3、 Materials for copyright registration

The materials to be prepared for copyright registration include: application form, applicant's identity certificate, work samples, work creativity description, and various power of attorney. Details are as follows:

1. Application Form. The contents include: the name of the work, the category of the work, the signature, the date of completion, whether to publish, the date and place of the first release; Form of completion of the work (alone, cooperation, commission, post, others); Information about the author and other copyright owners.

2. The applicant's identity certificate (the individual applicant shall provide a copy of his/her ID card, the unit applicant shall provide a copy of his/her business license, and the creator shall provide a copy of his/her ID card).

3. Provide samples of works (for written works, provide manuscript; for art and photography works, provide two lOcm × 12cm photos; for engineering product design drawings, provide three views, renderings or physical photos; for film and television works, provide VCD, etc.).

4. Description of creative works.

5. According to the actual situation, choose to submit the cooperation work with the power of attorney of the co authors, the commissioned work with the commission contract or the exclusive right license contract.

Whether it is provincial copyright registration or software copyright registration, the process is the same, which requires preliminary review and reexamination. The preliminary review is to confirm that the work is indeed owned by the author of the document, the evidence is conclusive, and the documents are complete. The reexamination is to check in detail whether the documents are qualified and the payment is complete. The certificate will be issued only after the previous procedures are no problems.

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