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Omega T-type thermocouple wire

Brief description: Our company has the advantage of providing * T-type American omega thermocouple wire, and the metal wire material of American omega T-type thermocouple wire is
Copper/constantan, the red insulation layer is the negative pole, and the blue insulation layer is the positive pole. According to various temperature resistant thermocouple wire insulation materials and thermocouple wires
Different diameters form the following full range of American omega models.

  • Product model: TT/GG-T-40/36/30/24/24S
  • Nature of manufacturer: agent
  • Updated: 2024-03-29
  • Visits: five thousand seven hundred and thirty-six

Our company has the advantage of providing * T-type American omega thermocouple wires. The metal wire material of American omega T-type thermocouple wires is copper/constantan, the red insulation layer is the negative pole, and the blue insulation layer is the positive pole. The following models of American omega T-type thermocouple wires are formed according to the insulation materials of various temperature resistant thermocouple wires and the different diameters of thermocouple wires.

Large temperature range of American omega zui

Thermocouple wire grade: - 328 to 662 ° F

-200 to 350 ° C

Thermocouple compensation wire grade: 76 to 212 ° F

-60 to 100 ° C

American omega precision: (whichever is greater)

Standard type (Class II): 1.0 ° C or 0.75%, above 0 ° C

1.0 ℃ or 1.5%, below 0 ° C

SLE high-precision type (Level I): 0.5 ° C or 0.4%

American omega wire material:



The advantages of the T-type thermocouple wire include:

Low temperature measurement capability: T-type thermocouple wire is applicable to the lower temperature range, usually between - 200 ° C and+350 ° C. This enables it to provide accurate measurements in cryogenic environments, such as freezing, food processing, and laboratory applications.

High precision and sensitivity: T-type thermocouple wire has high precision and sensitivity, and its response to temperature changes is fast and stable.

High impedance: T-type thermocouple wire has high resistance value, which makes it have good anti-interference ability against external interference and electromagnetic interference.

Flexible and easy to bend: T-type thermocouple wires are usually thin and flexible, suitable for applications requiring small size and bent installation.





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