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Japan Anritsu Thermocouple

Brief description: BT-31E-TC1-ANP thermocouple probe is provided by Shenzhen Xinbo Hengye Technology Co., Ltd. with high precision. BT-31E-TC1-ANP Anritsu thermocouple probe is a reliable thermocouple probe

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  • Nature of manufacturer: agent
  • Updated: 2024-04-15
  • Visits: two thousand one hundred and eighteen

BT-31E-TC1-ANP Anritsu Thermocouple Product description

BT-31E-TC1-ANP Anritsu Japan Anritsu Thermocouple technical specifications



BT series pin thermocouple temperature measuring probe BT series pin thermocouple temperature measuring probe is a thermocouple probe of Japanese Anritsu brand. The top of BT series products is needle shaped, which is a temperature sensor that can be inserted into semi-solid objects. The needle tip of some models can be replaced, and needle tip accessories can be purchased separately. By combining components of various specifications, you can make personalized matching according to the customer's purpose.


BT series pin thermocouple temperature measuring probe Japan Anli thermocouple

BT series pin thermocouple temperature measuring probe is a thermocouple probe of Japanese Anritsu brand. The top of BT series products is needle shaped, which is a temperature sensor that can be inserted into semi-solid objects. The needle tip of some models can be replaced, and needle tip accessories can be purchased separately. By combining components of various specifications, you can make personalized matching according to the customer's purpose.

Typical specifications of BT series pin thermocouple temperature measuring probe

Type K BT-31K-TC1-ANP
Type E BT-31E-TC1-ANP

temperature range accuracy response speed Durability
-200 to 300°C ±2.5°C* 1.5 s S

Type K BT-92K-TC1-ANP
Type E BT-92E-TC1-ANP

temperature range accuracy response speed Durability
-200 to 500°C ±2.5°C* 3.0 s B

Type K BT-72K-TC1-ANP
Type E BT-72E-TC1-ANP

temperature range accuracy response speed Durability
-200 to 300°C ±2.5°C* 1.5 s S

Type K BT-22K-TC1-ANP
Type E BT-22E-TC1-ANP

temperature range accuracy response speed Durability
-200 to 300°C ±2.5°C* 1.5 s C

Type K BT-11K-TC1-ANP
Type E BT-11E-TC1-ANP

temperature range accuracy response speed Durability
-200 to 210°C ±2.5°C* 0.5 s C

Type K BTN-41K
Type E BTN-41E

temperature range accuracy response speed Durability
-200 to 300°C ±2.5°C* 1.5 s S

*At 100 ° C surface


Selection of BT series pin thermocouple temperature measuring probe

one Needle outer diameter and appearance shape
one φ0.9mm: 15mm (210°C)
two φ1.5mm: 30mm (300°C)
three φ1.6mm: 30mm (300°C)
four φ1.6mm: 40mm (300°C)
five φ1.6mm: 50mm (300°C)
six φ1.6mm: 60mm (300°C)
seven φ1.6mm: 70mm (300°C)
eight φ5.0mm: 75mm (500°C)
nine φ5.0mm: 100mm (500°C)
(Top is φ3mm)
two Cut shape one Straight triangle
two Regular triangle
three Thermocouple model K Chromel-Alumel
E Chromel-Constantan
four Conductor model TC  
five Wire length one 1000mm
one point five 1500mm
two 2000mm
two point five 2500mm
six Plug in model ANP  




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