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British thermometer test paper

Brief description: Shenzhen Xinbo Hengye, a first-hand source of British TMC thermometry test paper, has the advantage of high precision and convenient use of wholesale TMC thermometry test paper, which is a high-quality and reliable thermometry product.

  • Product model: TMC
  • Nature of manufacturer: agent
  • Updated: 2024-04-07
  • Visits: one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight

How to choose British TMC temperature measuring test paper

The British thermax TMC thermometry test paper can be divided into reversible and irreversible test papers according to the main categories.
It is usually irreversible. It is subdivided according to the temperature measurement range. It is usually divided into 5 grids (that is, there are 5 temperature points on a piece of temperature measuring paper), 8 grids (that is, there are 8 temperature points on a piece of temperature measuring paper), and 10 grids (that is, there are 10 temperature points on a piece of temperature measuring paper). Which temperature point changes color means that the measured temperature reaches this temperature value.
When the measured temperature reaches a certain temperature value, the corresponding temperature point will change from white/yellow to black.

British TMC temperature measuring test paper Type of. There are 8 grids, 10 grids, 5 grids, 3 grids, 6 grids, 4 grids, miniature, clock array, and single grid.

Accuracy of TMC temperature measuring test paper:
± 1 ℃ below 100 ℃, ± 1% above 100 ℃ (range)

Use of TMC temperature measuring test paper
Home appliance industry: The color copper material of the electrical appliance shell needs to be baked with the paint and the appropriate temperature to obtain the * effect. Before the spraying process, use the TMC temperature measuring test paper to test and judge whether the required temperature is reached.
Electric power company (power generation and distribution): paste TMC temperature test paper on generators, motors and transformers. If overheating is found, it means that some part of the system has had problems, and troubleshooting can be immediately sought to prevent major accidents.
Railway company: stick the TMC temperature test paper on the wheel, axle box, and track, and regularly check whether the temperature is excessive, which can ensure the normal operation of the vehicle and driving safety.
Electronic industry: Some resistance components, printed circuit boards, etc., encounter high temperatures during transportation, which is enough to damage their normal functions. Therefore, TMC temperature measurement test paper is pasted on the components during transportation, so the receiver can be assured that the temperature has not exceeded, so that the shipper can also take this as evidence of qualified quality.
Process industry: attach the TMC temperature measuring test paper to the object to be heated, and then you can know whether the required temperature has been reached or exceeded, such as the combination of fusible linings on textiles, glue seams of footwear and other products, baking of paint, etc.
Medicine and health: TMC temperature test paper can ensure that the sterilization and disinfection of instruments and samples have reached the required temperature.
Others include helicopter engine, high voltage switch, aircraft black box, cooling water radiator, temperature sensitive chemicals storage rack and temperature detection of various parts of the vehicle.
TMC temperature test paper can accurately and reliably read temperature data without electronic equipment. A simple color change result from white to black can measure the temperature result (When the temperature rises to this temperature point, the square will turn black, and will not return to the original color even if the temperature decreases, so that the temperature experienced by the object can be known). It is easy to use, cheap, high accuracy (+/- 1% of the calibration temperature), and fast response (generally 1-5 seconds), The thermax TMC thermometric test paper can be stored for 2 years at 25 ℃ in a cool and dry place.

What we provide is the new process of temperature measurement adopted by the TMC Temperature American THERMAX series British TMCTMC temperature measurement test paper. Different from the traditional process, the TMC temperature measurement test paper is a small sticker with a series of squares or dots to indicate different temperatures. When the temperature of the test point is greater than the temperature of the point, the color becomes black or other colors. You can judge the temperature that the object experiences. Instead of monitoring for a long time. TMC thermometric test paper can also be used as strong evidence for delivery, which is widely used in food, medicine and logistics industries. There are also TMC temperature test papers for special industries, such as textile industry.
Features of TMC temperature test paper: oil proof, waterproof, non-toxic with or without dry sticker.
Accuracy of TMC temperature test paper: 1 degree below 100 degrees, 1% above 100 degrees.
The products of TMC temperature measuring test paper can be used in the industry to irreversibly maintain the high temperature characteristics of zui.
Electric power transportation: paste it on generators, transformers, wheels, oil tanks, and rails for regular inspection to ensure normal accident prevention.
Home appliance industry: When baking the colored copper of the electrical appliance shell, use the thermal test paper to determine whether the required temperature is reached.
Food and medicine: It can ensure that the instruments and samples are sterilized to the required temperature, and can be used as evidence of delivery.
Aviation: friction temperature of engine and other machinery, temperature measurement of high-voltage switch, black box, radiator, fuel tank and sensitive parts.

Use of TMC temperature measuring test paper

How to paste and use correctly? Can it be pasted with electricity?
Users should correctly master the use of TMC temperature test paper. To remove the TMC temperature test paper, a little skill is required. First bend the bottom paper and then remove it; If you are not skilled in uncovering, please use a knife to shovel along the bottom paper from the side to avoid damage. The temperature measuring part shall be flat, clean and dry, and the oxide layer and concave and convex surface shall be removed by sandpaper polishing, or cleaned and wiped with gasoline and other solvents. This TMC temperature measuring test paper is attached with pressure sensitive adhesive, which shall be pressed firmly with pressure applied by hand when pasting to ensure that the tiny air gap between the bonding surfaces is eliminated, so that the bonding effect of the bonding surface is exerted under pressure, so that the bonding is firm and firm. Please pay attention to cleaning the surface when pasting on the parts that may be stained with oil and water. Wrap a large piece of transparent tape around the place where the environment is particularly bad, which can play a better role in protection and fixation. If necessary, it can also be pasted with electricity. First, paste the patch onto the small insulating rod, push the adhesive side to the equipment, and then it can be easily pasted on the equipment. Note that it is forbidden to touch with hands during temperature measurement to prevent damage to the product.

About TMC brand
Since its establishment in 1969, TMC has leapt to the world position in the TMC temperature test paper industry in a relatively short period of time.
To achieve this position in the short term, we need to have a foresight to recognize the needs of customers, and to meet and exceed their expectations.
TMC has not only these two qualities, but also more.
TMC has more than enough resources to keep pace with the growing demand.
The irreversible Thermax brand has been the core product since the company was founded in 1969. Later, in 1991, we expanded the reversible TLC (thermochromic liquid crystal) brand.
The development of TMC is guided by prudent expansion and smart management. At present, TMC has three offices in the UK and a wide representative network.
The company is still supported by a founder who has always had the foresight of the company since its establishment in 1969.
The company's management style not only maintains this tradition, but also dares to explore the development direction, which ensures the past and future success of TMC.
Today, TMC is unique and reasonably confident in the temperature measurement industry. We have offices in all key markets and a worldwide distribution network, so we are close to all customers,
All important communication channels are unblocked.
The firm belief in the value of the existing product series is complemented by continuous research and development. This kind of work finds new products and promotes more uses for the technology owned by TMC almost every day.
We have never neglected the existing product series or allowed them to be eliminated. Each product is striving for perfection in order to provide our customers with our famous quality (identified by BS EN ISO9001 standard) and services.
Because of this quality, TMC is one of the few pioneering companies that can truly respond to customers' needs and predict future requirements. The combination of the two makes TMC a world company today,
And it will continue to do so.

TMC temperature test paper common series

Ten grids (size: 51x18mm, 10 bars per package)


Temperature unit


Measuring range


A ° C 40 42 44 46 49 54 60 62 65 71°C
° F 104 108 111 115 120 129 140 144 149 160°F
B ° C 77 82 88 93 99 104 110 116 121 127°C
° F 171 180 190 199 210 219 230 241 250 261°F
C ° C 132 138 143 149 154 160 166 171 177 182°C
° F 270 280 289 300 309 320 331 340 351 360°F
D ° C 188 193 199 204 210 216 224 232 241 249°C
  ° F 370 379 390 399 410 421 435 450 466 480°F





Eight grids (size: 51x18mm, 10 pieces per package)



Temperature unit


Measuring range


A ° C 37 40 43 46 49 54 60 65°C
° F 99 104 109 115 120 129 140 149°F
B ° C 71 77 82 88 93 99 104 110°C
° F 160 171 180 190 199 210 219 230°F
C ° C 116 121 127 132 138 143 149 154°C
° F 241 250 261 270 280 289 300 309°F
D ° C 160 166 171 177 182188 193 199°C
° F 320 331 340 351 360 370 379 390°F
E ° C 204 210 216 224 232 241 249 254 260°C
  ° F 399 410 421 435 450 466 480 489 500°F




Five grids (size: 39x18mm, 10 bars per package)



Temperature unit Measuring range
A ° C 37 40 42 44 46°C
° F 99 104 108 111 115°F
B ° C 49 54 60 65 71°C
° F 120 129 140 149 160°F
C ° C 77 82 88 93 99°C
° F 171 180 190 199 210°F
D ° C 104 110 116 121 127°C
° F 219 230 241 250 261°F
E ° C 132 138 143 149 154°C
° F 270 280 289 300 309°F
F ° C 160 166 171 177 182°C
° F 320 331 340 351 360°F
G ° C 188 193 199 204 210°C
° F 370 379 390 399 410°F
H ° C 216 224 232 241 249°C
° F 421 435 450 466 480°F
I ° C 249 254 260 280 290°C
  ° F 480 489 500 536 554°F



Characteristics of TMC temperature measuring test paper
It is easy to use and can be pasted on any flat position of the equipment. It can react quickly after overheating and change color in a few seconds; It records the zui high peak value of the temperature, and obvious color change can occur when the temperature is exceeded instantaneously. It also has the function of temperature recording that is not available for ordinary thermometers (it has the function of color recording when the temperature is exceeded). Small size, obvious display, intuitive, inexpensive. The color change temperature error of this product does not exceed 1 ℃. After overheating, the color change is very bright and striking. The disadvantages of the backward wax sheet for electric temperature measurement are improved: the wax sheet is not easy to stick, it is troublesome to use, the over temperature reaction speed is slow, and it is difficult to observe.

Overview of TMC temperature measuring test paper
The British "TMC" brand Thermax series TMC thermometry test paper adopts the new concept of temperature measurement. There is a column of squares or dots on the small sticker representing different temperature values. When the temperature rises to this point, the square will turn black, and even if the temperature drops, it will not return to the original color, so that we can know the Zui high temperature that the object has experienced, It is not necessary to monitor for a long time to know whether the object is overheated. Using this temperature sensitive paper as a strong proof of quality, TMC temperature test paper has a variety of styles to choose from
The product complies with BS EN ISO9001 standard, and can measure the temperature and body temperature. TMC temperature test paper can also be used to check the temperature change when the machine is running. TMC temperature measuring test paper can get the Zui high temperature that the object has experienced, so that we can know whether there is overtemperature. TMC temperature test paper has oil resistance and water resistance, without danger and toxicity.

TMC temperature measuring test paper can be used according to the temperature range to be measured. TMC temperature measuring test paper is suitable for textile, electromechanical, coil coating, oil pipeline, plate making, power generation, engine, electronic components, high-end paint spraying, sanitary disinfection and other fields, and can measure the temperature from 29 ℃ to 290 ℃.
TMC temperature measuring test paper can be pasted on the surface of various objects. When using, the surface of the object should be kept clean and smooth without bubbles.
TMC temperature test paper has different names at home and abroad, commonly known as color change temperature indicator, temperature indicator, surface temperature label, temperature indicator paper, temperature sensitive paper, temperature paper, thermal test paper, temperature test paper, etc. It is a waterproof self-adhesive adhesive strip used to measure the temperature of objects, The TMC temperature test paper is pasted on the surface of the object when it is used. The temperature of the test object once reached will be recorded when the corresponding grid changes color when the temperature reaches a certain temperature point. The TMC temperature test paper has two categories: irreversible and reversible, and has Chinese standard Celsius and European and American standard Fahrenheit display, which is simple and intuitive. It is especially suitable for measuring the temperature of moving objects or areas that cannot be reached by traditional temperature measuring equipment, with an accuracy of ± 1% of the temperature range

Explanation of TMC temperature measuring test paper

TMC temperature test paper, as its name implies, is a kind of test paper that can measure temperature. It is a TMC temperature test paper with self pasting function. It can be pasted on the surface of the measured object, so sometimes we call it a temperature sticker,
The British thermax TMC temperature test paper is a kind of TMC temperature test paper widely used in the industry. It is widely used in rail transit, home appliance industry, clothing industry and other occasions where other temperature measuring equipment is not suitable for temperature measurement.

Special customized series of TMC temperature test paper for railway system

Ten grid



Size: 51 * 18mm, 10 pieces per package, scale: Celsius/Fahrenheit

Automatic pasting type, with both Celsius and Fahrenheit values.



40 44 49 54 60 65 71 77 82 88°C


54 62 71 77 82 88 93 99 104 110°C


Reversible series

Ten grid



Size: 51 * 18mm, 10 pieces per package, scale: ℃

Automatic pasting, reversible, changing with temperature.


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5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ℃


55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100℃



TMC temperature measuring test paper ordering series

Six grid

Six grid

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Size: 12x32mm, 10 pieces per book, scale: Celsius/Fahrenheit.

There are 8 kinds: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Horizontal type and automatic adhesive type, with oil and water resistance characteristics.


Six grid 1 29 33 34 37 40 42°C
Six grid 2 44 46 49 54 60 62°C
Six grid 3 65 71 77 82 88 93°C
Six grid 4 99 104 110 116 121 127°C
Six grid 5 132 138 143 149 154 160°C
Six grid 6 166 171 177 182 188 193°C
Six grid 7 199 204 210 216 224 232°C
Six grid 8 241 249 254 260 280 290 °C


Five grid clock

Five grid clock

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Diameter: 14mm, 10 pieces per package, scale: Celsius/Fahrenheit.

There are 8 kinds: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Vertical automatic pasting type, with both Celsius and Fahrenheit numerical display, and 8 temperature ranges.

It is resistant to oil and water.


5 grid clock formula 1 40 43 46 49 54°C
5 lattice clock 2 60 65 71 77 82°C
5 lattice clock 3 88 93 99 104 110°C
5 lattice clock 4 116 121 127 132 138°C
5 lattice clock 5 143 149 154 160 166°C
5 lattice clock type 6 171 177 182 188 193°C
5 lattice clock 7 199 204 210 216 224°C
5 lattice clock 8 232 241 249 254 260°C

Four grid

Four grid

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Size: 23x45mm, 10 pieces per book, scale: Celsius/Fahrenheit.

There are 10 kinds: A B、C、D、E......J。


Four grid A 37 44 49 54°C
Four grid B 60 65 71 77°C
Four grid C 82 88 93 99°C
Four grid D 104 110 116 121°C
Four grid E 127 132 138 143°C
Four grid F 149 154 160 166°C
Four grid G 171 177 182 188°C
Four grid H 193 199 204 210°C
Four grid I 216 224 232 241°C
Four grid J 249 260 280 290°C

4L very small

Four lattice minima


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Size: 4x11mm, 10 pieces per package, scale: ℃.

There are 9 kinds: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.


Four grid 1 40 42 44 46°C
Four grid 2 49 54 60 65°C
Four grid 3 71 77 82 88°C
Four grid 4 93 99 104 110°C
Four grid 5 116 121 127 132°C
Four grid 6 138 143 149 154°C
Four grid 7 160 166 171 177°C
Four grid 8 182 188 193 199°C
Four grid 9 204 210 216 224°C

Three grid

Three grid

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Size: 23x14mm, 10 pieces per package, scale: Celsius/Fahrenheit.

There are 16 kinds: A B、C、D、E......S。


Three grid A 37 40 42 °C
Triple B 44 46 49 °C
Three grid C 54 60 65 °C
Three grid D 71 77 82 °C
Three grid E 88 93 99 °C
Three grid F 104 110 116 °C
Triple grid G 121 127 132 °C
Three grid H 138 143 149 °C
Three grid I 154 160 166 °C
Three grid J 171 177 182 °C
Triple K 188 193 199 °C
Three grid L 204 210 216 °C
Three grid M 224 232 241 °C
Triple N 249 254 260 °C
Three grid O 260 280 290 °C
Three grid S 29 33 34 °C




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Size: 12x13mm, 50 pieces per package, scale: Celsius/Fahrenheit

Automatic pasting type, with both Celsius and Fahrenheit values.


Single cell ° C 29 33 34 37 40 42 43 44 46 49 54 60 62 65 71 77

82 88 93 99 104 110 116 121 127 132 138 143 149

154 160 166 171 177 182 188 193 199 204 210 216

224 232 241 249 254 260 280 290

Related products:

British TMC thermal sensitive paper


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