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ST50 thermocouple connecting wire | Japan RKC ST-50 thermocouple connecting wire

Brief description: Japan RKC ST50 thermocouple connection line, Japan RKC ST50 thermocouple connection extension line, and ST-50 thermocouple connection line are used to connect ST50 thermocouple and temperature measuring instrument. There are four output modes, so that ST50 thermocouple can be output to various temperature measuring instruments. The length of the green extension line is 1m, and the temperature resistance is 180 degrees

  • Product model: ST-50 thermocouple connecting wire
  • Nature of manufacturer: agent
  • Updated: 2024-03-28
  • Visits: four thousand three hundred and sixty-three

  Japan RKC ST50 thermocouple connection wire | Japan RKC ST50 thermocouple connection extension wire, ST-50 thermocouple connection wire.

It is used to connect ST50 thermocouple and temperature measuring instrument. There are four output modes, so that ST50 thermocouple can output to various temperature measuring instruments.
The length of the green extension line is 1m, and the temperature resistance is 180 degrees
The black chuck is made of PPS resin, and is temperature resistant to 230 ℃

W-ST-50A new connecting cable Close up of collet

 Japan RKC ST-50 thermocouple connecting wire

Japan RKC ST-50 thermocouple connecting wire connection thermometer Use Instance

 Application example of Japan RKC ST-50 thermocouple connecting line connecting thermometer


Japan RKC ST-50 thermocouple connecting wire has the following four styles:

*Type: W-ST50A-1000-3C 3 hole output , connected to Japan RKC DP350 thermometer

The second type: W-ST50A-1000-Y3 Y terminal output , connected to any temperature controller or recorder screw interface instrument

The third type: W-ST50A-1000-TM1 standard thermocouple plug interface, which is used to connect universal thermometer, such as Taiwan Taishi TES, Qunte, AZ, and Fluke Fluke series thermometer

The fourth type: W-ST50A-1000-6C, similar to computer mouse interface, is used to connect to Japan RKC DP700 thermometer

 Four styles of Japanese RKC ST-50 thermocouple connecting wire



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