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In the first quarter, Shaanxi's GDP grew 6.3% year on year, and the growth rate of fixed asset investment ranked 10th in China

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Published on 2021-4-12 15:28:48

(Reporter Wei Shiyu) On the morning of April 19, the Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference on the operation of the provincial national economy in the first quarter of 2019. Shaanxi's economic operation in the first quarter was generally stable, showing a trend of improving quality, making progress and worrying about stability. According to preliminary accounting, Shaanxi's GDP in the first quarter was 545.034 billion yuan, up 6.3% year on year. The added value of the primary industry was 18.228 billion yuan, up 4.5%; The secondary industry was 241.455 billion yuan, up 3.5%; The tertiary industry was 285.351 billion yuan, up 9.0%.
The growth rate of industrial production fell back
According to Zhang Ye, spokesman of Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics and presidential planner, in the first quarter, the gross industrial output value above designated size of the province increased by 6.4% year on year; The added value of industries above designated size increased by 2.8%, 6.7 percentage points lower than the same period last year. The main reasons for the decline of industrial growth rate are: the coal industry has dropped significantly; The growth rate of other key industries fell back; Non energy industrial power has weakened. Later, with the implementation of favorable policies such as tax and fee reduction, the resumption of production and construction of industrial enterprises, and the production of key investment projects, Shaanxi industry is expected to gradually recover.
The growth rate of fixed asset investment is higher than the national average
Zhang Ye said that this year, the province will continue to implement the project driven strategy, continue to optimize the business environment, and lead the investment to achieve rapid growth. In the first quarter, Shaanxi's fixed asset investment grew by 9.2%, 2.9 percentage points higher than the national average, ranking 10th in the country. Private investment increased by 21.4%, accounting for nearly 50% of fixed asset investment, which is the main driving force for the rapid growth of investment in Shaanxi. The investment in manufacturing industry and high-tech industry in the whole province showed double-digit growth: Shenhua Yulin Circular Economy Coal Comprehensive Utilization Project, BYD New Energy Passenger Vehicle Expansion Project, Samsung Flash Chip Phase II Project and other large projects were progressing smoothly. The provincial infrastructure investment increased by 6.6%, 3.1 percentage points faster than that of the whole year of last year. The growth rate of real estate development investment has accelerated. Since June last year, the real estate development investment in the province has remained at the level of more than 10%, with an increase of 24.5% in the first quarter, 22 percentage points faster than the same period last year.
High quality development, good start
When answering questions from reporters, Zhang Ye stressed that we should pay more attention to quality while focusing on the total GDP growth. In recent years, Shaanxi's manufacturing investment has grown rapidly. In the first quarter, the province's manufacturing investment grew by 18.4%, which was higher than the growth level in the past three years and 13.8 percentage points higher than the national average. The investment in technological transformation of industrial enterprises increased by 28%, 11.3 percentage points faster than the same period last year, showing a rapid growth trend. The emerging momentum continues to exert. In the first quarter, the added value of high-tech industry achieved double-digit growth, and the added value of equipment manufacturing industry increased by 13.5%, which was much higher than the growth rate of industries above designated size. The output of new industrial products that represent the new direction of industrial development, have high technology added value and are in line with the direction of consumption upgrading is in good condition, and the output of new energy vehicles and solar cell products is growing rapidly. The modern service industry has grown. In January and February, the operating income of key industries such as software and information technology services, professional technology services, Internet and related services showed a rapid growth trend. The quality of fiscal revenue was improved. In the first quarter, all taxes in the province accounted for 78.7% of local fiscal revenue, 0.2 percentage points higher than the same period last year. At the same time, expenditures on poverty alleviation, education, environmental protection and other areas of people's livelihood were effectively guaranteed. In the first quarter, expenditures on social security, employment, education, energy conservation and environmental protection all maintained double-digit growth.             window.onload=function(){ moretext(); }            asd1();
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