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Experiencing fieldwork and simulating beacon fire transmission, the "Great Wall Research" in Mutianyu, Huairou is popular - a hot spot for watching every day

[Global Express: Don't make the college entrance examination economy into a "broken basket"]

[Illegal release of training and enrollment advertisements and "one-on-one" discipline counseling were investigated]

[Current news: The Ministry of Education and China Consumer Association have launched the special action of "safe consumption" for after-school training]

[Campus transformation practice base Beijing universities take various measures to improve the level of labor education Global WeChat]

[World's Most Informative | Shanxi Vocational Colleges Added 50 Industry Urgent Majors]

[Beijing promotes the provision of health vice presidents on campus to protect the healthy growth of students]

[Shanghai Launches Reading Action for Young Students]

[Ministry of Education: Discipline training shall not be organized on statutory holidays and rest days]

[Beijing enrollment information collection started, and each school-age child can only participate in the information collection world express in one district]

[Liaoning Province issued financial policies to support the development of vocational education]

[1 Teachers, 9 children, 48 year old female teachers, rooted in mountain schools and taught for 32 years]

[Little English: Focusing on content, doing small and beautiful online boutique teaching]

Will large-scale close contact lead to "secondary infection"?

[Express delivery! The post-90s science teacher uses plastic bottles to make rockets, and 16 second videos play nearly a million]

[Hot Recommendation: Widely develop employment channels! The Ministry of Education will do so in 2023]

[Current information: the "most beautiful scientific and technological workers" in Beijing will be announced in 2023]

[Rural schools with 468 famous teachers from primary and secondary schools in Guangdong]

[Review of International Highlights]

[The first batch of star explosions in the universe "ashes" appear _ current news]

[Global fast broadcast: 3D images acquired by quantum lidar underwater are expected to be used in security and defense fields]

[National Medical Insurance Bureau: the basic medical insurance fund in the first quarter ran smoothly as a whole]

[Focus on quick look: will large-scale close contact during the holiday cause "secondary infection"? Expert answer]

[Jumei Duoji's valuable spirit will always shine on us]

[Make passengers feel at home]

[Help "grab" agricultural machinery to show cadres' feelings for the people]

Rolling News

Global attention: participate in exercises such as the patrol of the combat readiness police around Taiwan Island [Detailed]

"Reverse job hopping", a new phenomenon of talent flow in colleges and universities [Detailed]

Why do those young people take the initiative to postpone graduation - highlights every day [Detailed]

Henan will cultivate 100 choirs for rural primary and middle school students [Detailed]

[Hot News] Beijing Fengtai District will use a unified platform [Detailed]

college entrance examination

Global view focus: World Obesity Prevention Day, a picture opens the correct way of scientific weight loss →

[Exclusive] The flood season is coming ahead of time: the water situation in Jiangxi and Fujian province rings the alarm bell, and many places take precautions to cope with challenges

View Xiong'an | Dream of the City of the Future

Daily quick news! Notice on the First Batch of Pre interview for EMBA of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2024

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