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Pudu Planning Editor

Operation knowledge of twin screw air compressor

Twin screw air compressor is widely used in preheater air monitor, kiln head, kiln tail large bag dust collection, pneumatic valve, raw meal and cement homogenization silo, etc. This system plays an important role in ensuring the normal operation of production. In the past two years of production practice, gradually the daily maintenance, repair, troubleshooting of twin screw air compressor



Pudu Planning Editor

What are the performance requirements of air compressor oil?

Air compressor oil, namely air compressor lubricating oil, is an important part of air compressor. The whole body of the lubricating oil flow unit has a decisive influence on the performance of the screw air compressor. A good oil product needs to have the characteristics of suitable viscosity and flash point, excellent oxidation stability, and low tendency of carbon deposition. So what is the reason



Pudu Planning Editor

How to solve the problem that screw air compressor cannot be started?

Recently, the company's technicians often report that the screw air compressor often fails to start. I have found a lot of information on the Xiaobian website and summarized a few points. I will share them with you as follows: first, check whether the fuse is burned out, and second, the relay protecting the machine is ineffective. 3、 The start button is in poor contact



Pudu Planning Editor

Storage and precautions of lubricating oil for air compressor

Lubricating oil is a consumable product during the use of air compressor. It has many varieties and large consumption. So how to effectively use lubricating oil is a problem that we should pay attention to. Here is an introduction to the storage and safety of lubricating oil for air compressor. Oil product storage 1. Do not put it upright in the open air



Pudu Planning Editor

Methods to ensure maximum working efficiency of air compressor

With the rapid development of industrial modernization, air compressor has become the basic product of industrial modernization. Air compressor is a manufacturing device for compressed air, which is widely used in all walks of life and is an essential important equipment. Then how to effectively improve the working efficiency of the air compressor to ensure the normal production work



Pudu Planning Editor

Measures to prevent frequent burning of oil cores of air compressor

As the burning of oil may lead to more serious accidents, how to prevent the burning of oil is particularly important. Based on previous experience, some preventive measures are listed to reduce the probability of such events. 1. If the machine has been stopped for a period of time for some reason (factory holidays, main engine overhaul, motor maintenance, etc.), or the temperature is low in winter, then