Mount Wutai Buddhist Association held the whole mountain regular meeting in April 2021 - Wutai Buddhism News - Mount Wutai Buddhism

Mount Wutai Buddhist Association held a regular meeting of the whole mountain in April 2021

At 3:00 p.m. on April 1, 2021, the regular meeting of Mount Wutai Buddhist Association in April will be held in the conference room of Mount Wutai Buddhist Association. The meeting focused on learning and conveying the spirit of the National "Two Sessions" in 2021, and made arrangements for work safety, epidemic prevention and control, fire prevention in spring and other work in temples all over the mountain. Liu Mingguo, Deputy Director of Wutai Mountain Management Committee, Bai Lijun, Deputy Director of Wutai Mountain Management Committee, Li Shanghong, Fourth level Investigator of Wutai Mountain Management Committee, Liu Wenguang, Deputy Director of Wutai Mountain United Front Religious Bureau, President of Wutai Mountain Buddhist Association Daluoding Abbot Chang Shan, relevant leaders of the Wutai Mountain Religious Bureau, Vice President of the Wutai Mountain Buddhist Association, Deputy Secretary General of the Wutai Mountain Buddhist Association, abbots, housekeepers and principals of all temples in the mountain attended the meeting. \

The meeting was presided over by the vice president and secretary-general of Mount Wutai Buddhist Association and Abbot Long Ming of Mount Wutai Ten Thousand Buddha Cave Zhenrong Temple


President of Mount Wutai Buddhist Association Daluoding Abbot Master Chang Shan First of all, convey to the participants the main contents and spirit of the National Two Sessions, and require the temples in the whole mountain to strengthen the construction of road style, do a good job in fire prevention publicity, fire prevention patrol and other work when the Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, and timely investigate and eliminate fire hazards.

Liu Wenguang, Deputy Director of the United Front Religious Bureau of Wutai Mountain, read out the "Shanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention Emergency Tips"


In his speech, Li Shanghong, the fourth level investigator of Wutai Mountain Management Committee, asked all temples to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party history learning and education mobilization meeting, and demonstrate the firm confidence and determination of the four disciples of Wutai Mountain Buddhist community to love the party, love their country, love their religion, feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, and follow the party. As well as the re deployment and re requirements of epidemic prevention and control and work safety at the approaching Tomb Sweeping Day.

Bai Lijun, member of the Wutai Mountain Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Wutai Mountain Management Committee, made arrangements to further standardize the system of building materials entering the mountain in Wutai Mountain


In his speech, Liu Mingguo, member of the Wutai Mountain Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Wutai Mountain Management Committee, asked all the monks in Wutai Mountain to strengthen the self construction of Buddhism, love patriotism, religion, mountain and temple, and continue to maintain the good image of the Wutai Mountain Buddhist monastery; 2、 Strengthen the construction of religious ideology and give full play to the leading role of socialist core values; 3、 Further strengthen publicity and education, improve the awareness of fire prevention and epidemic prevention, implement responsibilities, and comprehensively do a good job of fire prevention and epidemic prevention during the Tomb Sweeping Day. ( Image and text: Gao Dong)

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