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seventeen billion seven hundred and thirty-six million seven hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one
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seventeen billion seven hundred and thirty-six million seven hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one Consult immediately

Product advantages

Whole industry chain supply service

Fog Bird Spray Technology adheres to the enterprise spirit of "professionalism, dedication and professionalism", adheres to the business philosophy of integrity, pragmatism, progress and sustainability, and relies on technology and equipment to strictly control product quality and pursue customer satisfaction. Relying on its own research and development strength, the company has extensively carried out technical and academic exchanges, and formed a series of products including: fog forest system, street lamp pole spray dust suppression system, intelligent spray pile, working condition greenhouse spray dust suppression system, landscape spray system, spray deodorization system, spray cooling system, spray disinfection system, etc.

 DIY customized design

DIY customized design

Mistbird Spray System Technology Co., Ltd. actively extends its service system to provide customized products, packaging and services according to customer needs, forming a whole industry chain service integrating raw material control, production, testing, packaging, logistics, pre-sales and after-sales services. Strengthen the management of quality system and market access system, and provide customers with products that meet different market access standards and regulatory requirements.

OEM processing can be used to produce the corresponding spray environmental protection series products, from the unit, pipe fittings, terminal spray nozzle, integrated layout design. Provide free design scheme.

 DIY customized design
 High quality assurance, energy conservation and environmental protection

High quality assurance, energy conservation and environmental protection

Focusing on the vision of "spray technology", Wuniao Technology has established the development concept of "leading technology, high quality and efficiency, customer first, respect and compliance", and has established strong advantages in main products such as spray dust reduction, spray humidification, spray cooling, spray deodorization, and spray disinfection. In the future, Wuniao Technology will further focus on main competitive products, and is committed to providing innovative, high-quality Green products and comprehensive solutions rely on scientific and technological innovation to achieve enterprise transformation, upgrading and high-quality development. At present, in the main product field, Mistbird Technology has realized its own patented technology combined with water jet technology, automatic machinery design and special place customization to meet customer needs.

 High quality assurance, energy conservation and environmental protection

Service process / Service process

seventeen billion seven hundred and thirty-six million seven hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one

  • Online inquiry

  • Solution

  • Order online

  • Single production

  • Logistics Express

  • after-sale service

  • Regular return visit

Success stories

Successful cases of Hebei Langfang Fog Bird Spray System Technology Co., Ltd., street lamp pole spray dust suppression system cases, mixing plant workshop spray dust suppression system cases, site spray dust suppression cases, spray system, spray system, fog forest system, dry fog system, fog making equipment, spray dust suppression equipment, Hebei Spray Company, spray dust removal system cases, spray humidification, spray deodorization

Introduction to Fog Bird

Hebei Langfang Mistbird Spray System Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the production, sales and installation engineering services of fog forest system and spray equipment series products, and provides nationwide installation of spray equipment. While focusing on market development in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, it provides spray related services for more than 100 enterprises and individuals. Its high-quality and thoughtful services have won the trust and praise of many enterprises, The company has gradually established a good brand in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.


Hebei Langfang Mistbird Spray System Technology Co., Ltd. provides professional spray system news information, spray technology, and documents on the principles of the spray system, to build a Beijing Tianjin Hebei spray system service provider and a professional spray equipment manufacturer. www.wuniaoer.com

seventeen billion seven hundred and thirty-six million seven hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one