Risk tip: The IOT card is not allowed to be used on mobile phones, and the card is suspended in violation of regulations. Prompt for real name registration: To ensure the security of your account and IOT card, it is recommended that you complete real name authentication first. [Login]
China Mobile
China Unicom
China Telecom
SIM card type:
Standard three cut card

This card is a special test card for the Internet of Things. It cannot be recharged or renewed, and will be automatically cancelled when it expires

Package traffic:

100M traffic available every month within 3 months from the date of purchase

Package duration:
three months

As of the effective date, the flow fails at 23:59:59 on the last day of three months

Certification type:
Enterprise certification

You have not been certified, De certification

Use items:
New Project
Purchase quantity:

Each operator can purchase up to one test card

Self operation of IOT card

Quality after-sales service of home directly supplied by operators

IOT Card (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd

Internet of Things test card

Only authenticated users can purchase

Operator: China Mobile

SIM card type: standard triple cut card

Package type: 100M

Package duration: 3 months

Use scenarios:

Purchase quantity: 1 piece

Certification type: enterprise certification

Package price:

zero element

Online QQ

Online WeChat

Pre sales customer service I

Pre sales customer service II

Telephone consultation

Telephone consultation: 0755-33942792

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