Risk tip: The IOT card is not allowed to be used on mobile phones, and the card is suspended in violation of regulations. Prompt for real name registration: To ensure the security of your account and IOT card, it is recommended that you complete real name authentication first. [Login]
  • 1064 IOT card management system service

    China Mobile
    China Unicom
    China Telecom
    Product type:
    Traffic query
    SMS sending and receiving
    Recharging and renewal
    Hierarchical management
    Alert notice
    API capability
  • Current search:

    IOT network card wireless connection service

    China Mobile
    Product type:
    13 bit IoT card
    11 bit voice card
    NB IoT card

    Mobile IoT card only supports single 4G network

    Package period:
    Monthly package
    Annual package

    Package description: monthly package 1G is 1G used for one month, annual package 1G is 1G used for 12 months in total, and quarterly package and semi annual package are similar to annual package.

    Flow package:
    Order duration:
    1 year
    2 years
    3 years
    4 years
    5 years
    Card Type:
    Standard three cut card
    Certification type:
    Enterprise real name authentication
    Use items:
    New Project

    Note: The card activation card binding function does not allow card pulling/device replacement

    Purchase quantity:

    Invoicing reminder: the type and title of the invoice that can be issued corresponding to the order are the information you set in User Center - Invoice Information Management

    Purchase list

    1064 IOT card management system service

    0 yuan

    IOT network card wireless connection service

    100 yuan


    Product type:

    Flow package:

    Order duration:

    Card Type:

    Certification type:

    Use scenarios:

    Purchase quantity:

    Purchase amount:

    Login Visible

    *If you need to sign a corporate contract, please contact online customer service

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    Telephone consultation: 0755-33942792

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