The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] Open Day for Prosecutors; Prosecutors welcome "You Young"
Time: June 3, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

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In order to prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency, on the occasion of the third anniversary of the implementation of the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors and the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, on May 28, the Wan 沚 District Procuratorate and the Wan 沚 District Court jointly held a procuratorial open day activity, inviting students to visit the hospital to learn legal knowledge, "zero distance" understanding the functions of the procuratorate and the court, and feeling the judicial authority.

For children who come to the procuratorate for the first time, this is a novel journey. Under the leadership of the prosecutor, the students visited the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center and had a comprehensive understanding of the work process of the window departments of the procuratorial organ; In the case handling work area, the students seriously experienced the "role seat" in the interrogation room, and put forward the "role question" to communicate with the prosecutors; At the heart station of the "Wuhu Weihua Dandelion" studio, prosecutors enhance students' immersive experience through interactive forms such as puzzle games, green reading, and case statements, so that they can intuitively feel the power of the rule of law. When visiting the family education counseling room, the prosecutor introduced the reasons for setting up the psychological counseling room to the students, and led them to experience the building block game, so that everyone could deeply understand the importance of mental health.


At the end of the visit, a wonderful and colorful lecture on the rule of law was opened in the micro animation "Rushing into the Youth Valley". After the students had a preliminary understanding of some legal knowledge, the unpunished police carried out a lecture on the rule of law on the hot topic of prevention of campus bullying, explaining to the students in detail what is campus bullying, its manifestations, its harm and serious consequences How to deal with campus bullying? Call on students to live in harmony and firmly oppose the occurrence of campus bullying.

Later, the students came to the Wanpeng District People's Court. Under the explanation of Tao Jingbo, the vice president of the Criminal Trial Division of Wanpeng District People's Court, the students had a deeper understanding of the work functions of the court.

This procuratorial open day activity enabled students to learn legal knowledge in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Students have expressed that they have benefited a lot. In the future, they should seriously study legal knowledge, abide by laws and regulations, and be good students who understand the law and use it.