The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Featurette of the May 4th Movement] Nanling Procurator: Inherit Red Flame and Gather Youth Strength
Time: May 6, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to commemorate the 105th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, the Youth League Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County, Wuhu City, recently organized a learning and education activity of "passing on the red firewood to help the rural revitalization to become a new person of the times", encouraging and mobilizing the young police officers of the whole hospital to further inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement.

Passing on the Red Flame, Helping Rural Revitalization, and Being a New Person of the Times

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Under the leadership of Chen Liang, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Academy and director of the Political Department, young police officers walked into the earthen pond of Lushan Village, Nanling County to carry out immersive observation and learning activities. Along the road of Tutang, the propagandist introduced the history and culture of Tutang to the police in detail. In front of revolutionary sites, the police really felt the deep love between the New Fourth Army and local villagers, further understood the iron army spirit of the New Fourth Army, and had a deeper understanding of the history of the party and the military.

After the visit, the police went to the village committee of Lushan Village to have a discussion with the two committees of the village. The youth police representatives from various departments introduced the procuratorial functions in detail on protecting the rights and interests of women and children, helping migrant workers to get paid, and presented legal books to the two committees of the village.