The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] Wuhu Digital Procuratorial Work Promotion Conference for Minors Held
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On April 17, 2024, the Wuhu Digital Prosecutorial Work Promotion Conference for Minors was held in the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County, Wuhu City. Chen Ye, Director of the First Procuratorial Department of the Municipal Procuratorate, presided over the meeting and made work arrangements, and the comrades in charge of juvenile procuratorial work of the county and district courts attended the meeting.

Yan Qingyun, Deputy Procurator General of Nanling County Procuratorate, gave a detailed introduction on the application of supervision model, data acquisition, analysis and comparison methods, etc. for urging and rectifying drug abuse cases of minors.

Subsequently, the member units of the unchecked drug abuse task force reported the progress of the case, and the Jiujiang District Procuratorate introduced the digital procuratorial work of E-sports hotels. The courts made exchange speeches around the above work and how to improve the prosecution rate of civil and administrative public interest litigation, strengthen the quality and efficiency of case handling and the comprehensive judicial protection of minors, and put forward work ideas and measures in combination with the actual work in the region.


The meeting required that we should give full play to the role of assessment baton, focus on the goal, take the initiative, accurately grasp the new situation and new requirements of the current non inspection work, promote the construction of digital non inspection, focus on the blocking points and difficult problems in the protection of minors, and achieve the transformation from case handling to case supervision through accurate research and judgment and overall governance, Big data empowerment is used to drive the quality and efficiency of minors' procuratorial work, and better procuratorial performance is used to protect the healthy growth of minors.