The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] Procuratorate and Protect Enterprises | Protect Enterprise Development in the Name of Law
Time: April 17, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Thank the procuratorial organ for reminding us in a timely manner. Now I think about it, I'm afraid that I can't neglect it anymore

Safety in production is more important than Mount Tai, and we cannot relax at all

In order to thoroughly implement the work requirements of the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises", Nanling Procurator, based on the procuratorial function, solidly promoted the implementation of "No. 8 procuratorial suggestion", and effectively built the "protective wall" of enterprise safety production.

Timely file and investigate when clues are found

In December 2023, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County found that a certain thermal energy management company in Anhui had major potential safety production accidents in performing its duties of public interest litigation supervision, and immediately filed a case for investigation.

Field visit and in-depth investigation of potential safety hazards

According to the field survey, no safety precautions were taken for the liquefied gas cylinders and oxygen cylinders near the non operating area of the company, and the use management was not in place; Workers have weak awareness of safety production, operate with smoke, and leave cigarette butts at many places in the workshop; The warehouse is littered with combustible materials. It is understood that the company will have a fire accident in 2022, resulting in direct property losses of more than 100000 yuan.

Public hearing, accurate preparation and issuance of procuratorial suggestions

In January 2024, the hospital invited CPPCC members at the municipal and county levels, volunteers of the "public interest" platform, representatives of administrative organs and enterprise heads to hold public hearings. After the hearing and review, the court made and issued procuratorial suggestions to the administrative organ responsible for supervision and the territorial government, urged the investigation and rectification of major risks and hidden dangers within 15 days, strengthened daily supervision, and guided enterprises to improve systems, strengthen personnel allocation and do a good job of safety production knowledge training to prevent and resolve safety production risks.

Special troubleshooting to consolidate the achievements of hidden danger control

After receiving the inspection suggestions, the relevant administrative authorities attached great importance to it, immediately urged the enterprises to rectify the problems, and at the same time carried out special safety inspection actions for enterprises within the jurisdiction. In April 2024, the Court, together with relevant administrative organs, carried out a "look back" on the implementation of the procuratorial recommendations. At the symposium, the procuratorial organ understood the implementation measures of enterprise safety management in combination with the actual situation of procuratorial work, asked about the specific situation of enterprise safety guarantee system and facilities, and then inspected the plant area. It found that the enterprise involved in the case had a good on-site rectification, equipped with fire extinguishers, 2 new fire cisterns, 1 reservoir under construction, and fire hydrant guardrails in the plant and other facilities; The person in charge of safety production has been allocated and the fire equipment inspection system has been implemented. The dormitory has been newly built and the living area has been moved out of the working area; The materials in the warehouse in the plant area are stacked and isolated by classification, and the safety precautions in the operation area are scientific and reasonable.

"The rule of law is the best business environment" has never been empty words. It is the incumbent political responsibility of the procuratorial organ to create a good business environment for the development of private enterprises. This activity is a concrete practice of the Nanling Procuratorate to thoroughly implement the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" of the Supreme Procuratorate, provincial and municipal procuratorates. In the next step, Nanling Procuratorate will continue to give full play to its procuratorial functions, gather joint efforts from all parties, help build a business environment under the rule of law, and boost the high-quality development of private enterprises and the economy and society.