The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] On the spot, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County carried out the activity of "case explanation and party building" into the countryside
Time: April 10, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Good rain knows the season, but it happens in spring. After a spring rain, the mountain grass and trees are spreading, and fruit trees are growing vigorously in the picking garden of Taoyuan Village, Nanling County.

Taoyuan Village is the "double linked village" of the Nanling County People's Procuratorate. On April 8, members of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Nanling County People's Procuratorate and representatives of young police officers went to Taoyuan Village to carry out the activity of "case study and party building", to learn the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" with the village's two committees and other people, and to discuss good strategies for rural revitalization.

At the learning seminar, the members of the theoretical learning center of the Party Leadership Group introduced the work of agriculture related procuratorial work and the special action of "inspecting and protecting people's livelihood" to the two committees of the village. Zha Yali, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Court and director of the Second Procuratorate Department, focuses on the public interest litigation cases of "rural environment improvement" handled by her, takes "high-quality and efficient handling of each case" as the main line, and from the dimensions of organic unity of "three effects" of handling cases, good and fast realization of fairness and justice, and people's sense of rule of law, reviews the process and effectiveness of handling cases, and talks about experience, experience, and inadequacies, Handle cases and work according to politics.

The participants visited the project under construction for rural revitalization in Taoyuan Village. Ni Shiyi, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of the village, and Ma Xiaoming, a cadre selected by the County Procuratorate, introduced in detail the village situation, the development of the village's collective economy, the construction of human settlements and culture, and made suggestions on the procuratorate's protection of the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, combating fake and inferior agricultural materials, and protecting the ecological environment.

This "case said party building" into the countryside activity It is another initiative of the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County to integrate and innovate the Party building. Through asking for needs, ideas and wisdom, we actively integrate into the "Rural Revitalization and Development Action Plan" of the county party committee, further identify the direction of procuratorial assistance in rural revitalization, and provide strong legal guarantee for promoting rural revitalization.