The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] In the name of law, protect the young -- the Procuratorate of Fanchang District went to Xinlin Nine year School in Pingpu Town to launch a legal lecture on campus bullying prevention
Time: April 7, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

You who guard the youth

Prevention of bullying on campus Legal propaganda

In the name of law

In order to effectively prevent campus violence and constantly enhance minors' awareness of the rule of law and safety, on the afternoon of April 2, Li Jingjing, a member of the Fanchang Branch of the flag reporting group of the Wuhu Customs Working Committee and a minor police officer of the Fanchang District Procuratorate, went to the Xinlin nine-year school in Pingpu Town to carry out a legal education campaign for more than 150 teachers and students to prevent campus bullying.

In the propaganda, the procuratorial police introduced the importance of preventing campus bullying from hot events, and focused on the definition of campus bullying, the legal responsibility of the bully, and how to effectively prevent campus bullying. By interpreting the law with cases and clarifying the truth with laws, we guide students to correctly understand campus bullying, and encourage them to refuse to be victims and bystanders, rather than perpetrators. In addition, the procuratorial police presented the Family Education Promotion Law and the posters of the compulsory reporting system to the school, and distributed brochures and green bookmarks on prevention of bullying on campus.



In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District will give full play to the youth escort role of the "Spring Seedlings" brand, conscientiously perform their duties, continue to expand the scope of publicity, and contribute procuratorial power to promote the high-quality development of juvenile protection in the new era.

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Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 17 16 years old If a person commits a crime, he shall bear criminal responsibility.

14 to 16 Those who commit the crimes of intentional killing, intentional injury, causing serious injury or death, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, or dropping dangerous substances shall bear criminal responsibility.

12 to 14 years old A person who commits the crime of intentional homicide or intentional injury, causes death or serious injury to another person by special cruel means, and causes serious disability, if the circumstances are flagrant and the Supreme People's Procuratorate approves the prosecution, shall bear criminal responsibility.

Article 293 Whoever commits one of the following acts of provoking trouble, thus disrupting public order, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or public surveillance:

(1) Beating others at will, to a flagrant extent;

(2) Chasing, intercepting, abusing or intimidating others to a flagrant extent;

(3) Forcibly taking or demanding or arbitrarily damaging or occupying public or private property, the circumstances being serious;

(4) Making troubles in public places, causing serious disorder in public places.

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

Article 38 The term "serious misconduct" as used in this Law refers to the acts committed by minors that are prescribed by the Criminal Law and are not subject to criminal punishment because they are not under the legal age for criminal responsibility, as well as the following acts that seriously endanger society:

(1) Fighting in groups, chasing and intercepting others, forcibly demanding or arbitrarily damaging or occupying public or private property and other acts of provocation and trouble making;

(2) Illegally carrying guns, ammunition, crossbows, daggers and other State regulated control instruments;

(3) Beating, abusing, intimidating, or intentionally injuring another person's body;

(4) Stealing, looting, seizing or deliberately damaging public or private property;

(5) Dissemination of obscene reading materials, audio-visual products or information;

(6) Prostitution, whoring, or obscene performance;

(7) Taking or injecting drugs, or providing drugs to others;

(8) Large amount of money for gambling;

(9) Other behaviors seriously endangering society.

Article 41 The public security organ may, according to the specific circumstances, take educational measures such as admonishing minors who have committed serious misconduct, ordering them to accept psychological counseling and behavior correction.

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

Article 39 The school shall establish a work system for prevention and control of student bullying, and carry out education and training on prevention and control of student bullying for teachers, staff, students, etc.

The school shall stop the bullying behavior of students immediately, and notify the parents or other guardians of the bullying and the bullied minor students to participate in the identification and handling of bullying behavior; Give psychological guidance, education and guidance to relevant minor students in a timely manner; Give necessary family education guidance to the parents or other guardians of the relevant minor students.

The school shall, according to the nature and extent of bullying, strengthen the discipline of juvenile students who commit bullying according to law. The school shall not conceal serious bullying, report it to the public security organ and the education administrative department in a timely manner, and cooperate with relevant departments to deal with it according to law.